本研究針對南部養殖池作為對象進行水體消毒及水質改善,為了減少水產動物用藥量以及提升養殖池水的品質,研究利用不同二氧化氯濃度之二氧化氯進行測試並檢測養殖池水中的總菌落數、大腸桿菌群、產氣單胞菌以及水體裡的相關因子(pH、導電度、總溶解固體物、氧化還原電位、水中生化需氧量、葉綠素a、氨氮、亞硝酸氮、硝酸氮等)。研究結果發現二氧化氯對亞硝酸氮有降解,硝酸氮則是升高,經由統計分析二氧化氯對亞硝酸鹽氮及硝酸鹽氮皆有顯著性差異(p < 0.05) ;以3.0 mg/L以上之二氧化氯濃度對水中大腸菌群殺菌可達100%對產氣單胞菌則是在加入二氧化氯後的十分鐘可以完全去除,在兩個小時內都未再發現,池水中含有適當的二氧化氯殘餘量可以有效抑制水中微生物的生成;另外,二氧化氯對於水中的葉綠素a之影響經由統計分析具有顯著差異(p < 0.05)且呈負相關性,顯示二氧化氯對於水中的葉綠素a有去除效果;二氧化氯對養殖池水中的BOD值之影響也具有顯著性的差異(p < 0.05),也呈現負相關性,顯示二氧化氯對於水中有機物也可有效的降低。因此,可將研究結果提供給相關業者,建議業者可利用二氧化氯投入養殖池可改善養殖池水水質、減少水體中的病菌及致病菌、維護魚體之健康、並延長養殖池水水資源使用時間,同時降低排放造成的環境汙染。 This study was to investigate the improvement of water quality and the way of sterilization of pond water in southern Taiwan. In order to reduce the aquatic animal health and improve the water quality, this study used different concentrations of chlorine dioxide to disinfect the pond water and then detect the total number of bacterial colonies, including Ecoli colonies gas producing bacterial Aeromonas spp. In addition, the water quality was also monitored, including: pH conductivity total solubility product, redox state, BOD, chlorophyll a, ammonia.Results showed that chlorine dioxide can oxidize nitrite leading to an increase of nitrate concentration. By the statistical analysis, the above effect is significant (p < 0.05). Using 3.0mg/L chlorine dioxide can kill 100% of Ecoli and remove Aeromonas spp. within 10 minutes. There is no any bacterial within 2 hours because the residual amount of chlorine dioxide which can inhibit continuously the growth of microbial. In addition, there is a negative relationship between the concentrations of chlorine dioxide and chlorophyll a (p < 0.05). This means that chlorine dioxide can reduce the chlorophyll a; there was also a negative relationship between pond water quality and BOD (p < 0.05). It indicated that chlorine dioxide can reduce the organic component in the pond water. Consequently, adding chlorine dioxide into fishery pound could reduce the bacterial and maintain the health of fish. It allowed the water to be reused longer and also reduced the pollution to the environment.