高齡化社會的來臨,眾多銀髮族逐漸開始透過積極?與和健康有關的活動來維持身體機能;對國小教師來說,退休是另一個階段的開始,國小教師在退休後,將面臨人生的重要轉折,如何適當的安排生活並維持健康的生活方式對退休教師來說是一項重要的課題。故本研究以臺南市國小教師為研究對象,旨在探討溫泉休閒態度與促進健康生活之現況及不同變項間溫泉休閒態度與促進健康生活之差異。並以「臺南市國小退休教師溫泉休閒態度與促進健康生活」問卷為研究工具,收集有效問卷共322份,所得資料經描述性統計分析、項目分析、獨立樣本 T 檢定、單因子變異數分析與Pearson’s 等相關分析。由本研究分析後顯示,不同背景變項的國小退休教師在溫泉休閒態度及促進健康生活方面均具積極正向的態度,在參與溫泉阻抗因素方面,以交通不便(57.1%)、時間分配困難(56.8%)、衛生條件太差(54.0%)三項有超過50%以上退休教師選擇。不同背景變項的國小退休教師在溫泉休閒態度及促進健康生活方面均達顯著差異,且溫泉休閒態度與促進健康生活具高相關。 With the coming of the aging society, more and more healthy elders begin to figure out ways to main their physical function by taking part in leisure-time activities enthusiastically. For primary school teachers, retirement is the commencement of another phase of life, in which they are facing great challenges. Thus, how to manage an active and comfortable retirement is quite a critical issue for retired primary school teachers. This research aims to take a closer look on retired primary school teachers in Tainan city, and to analyze and clarify the different attitudes of those retired teachers toward leisure-time activities in the hot spring resorts. In addition, the author adopted the questionnaire as an approach to getting deeper understanding. According to the 322 copies of the valid questionnaire, the author has analyzed the statistical data and items, checked the independent T samples, examined the single variable, conducted Pearson’s assessment. The study might be concluded in the following three statements. Firstly, retired primary school teachers with different backgrounds mostly hold positive attitude towards the leisure-time activities in the hot-spring resorts. The major reasons why they would resist going there are inconvenient transportation (57.1%), not having enough leisure time (56.8%), poor hygienic conditions (54.0%), which results almost represent opinions of over fifty percent of subjects. Secondly, retired primary school teachers with various backgrounds have significantly different opinions on the relationship between bathing in hot-spring and improvement of health. Finally, the attitude towards leisure-time activities in the hot spring is highly relevant with the improvement of healthy life style.