台灣擁有種類相當豐富的溫泉,長久以來,台灣大眾普遍針對溫泉養生的作法,信奉著中醫所提出陰陽平衡之理論。中醫認為,若能將身體不平衡的狀態改善,病症即會減退。另外,在中醫療法的相關研究中指出,肩井穴在治療肩頸痠痛有相當良好的成效,而肩井穴則主要位於手太陽小腸經上。因此,本研究為探討溫泉浸泡對解除肩頸痠痛的影響,利用「經絡能量檢測儀」M.E.A.D作為測量工具,針對十二經絡的小腸經左右能量,以及五行中肝木能量,作為驗證的指標。並且,當身體一緩解痠痛,全身的能量也會較平衡,因此身體之平均能量是否有落入正常範圍值,亦是本研究所討論的重點之一。本研究利用健康篩選問卷篩選八位受試者,分別用熱自來水及硫磺泉各浸泡三次,再利用「經絡能量檢測儀」M.E.A.D進行浸泡前後之量測,在八案例之統計結果指出,浸泡後無論在十二經絡左右能量的平衡上、五行中肝木能量平衡上、或平均能量是否有落入正常範圍值此三項檢測指標中,浸泡硫磺泉的表現皆優於浸泡自來水的表現。同時本研究亦獲得一推論,在浸泡硫磺泉時,人體能以能量變化較為緩和的方式,進行各經絡左右能量之平衡。 There are a lot of hot springs in Taiwan. Thus, the hot spring bathing spa is one of favorite leisure activities for Taiwanese. Regarding the studies of hot springs promoting health, few adopted from Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory but most of them focused on the physical and chemical effects. Therefore, this study was to apply the hot springs the effect of energy blance adopted by Traditional Chinese Medcine Theory on the health promotion of hot spring bathing spa.Meridian Electroacupuncture Analysis Device (M.E.A.D). The meridian data were colected before and after the subjects using hot spring bathing spa for evaluating the benefits of energy balance on the health promotion. No matter on twelve meridians, five elements, or average energy, results showed that the effect on energy balance were much better bathing in sulphur springs than in normal water. In addition, an inference was obtained in this study that the energy change of twelve meridians were gentler bathing in Sulphur springs compared with normal water.