摘要: | 近幾年災害事件頻繁,學者提出災害的衝擊程度及範圍會受到某些環境或社會的特質而有所改變(Cutter, 1996),探討同樣的負面衝擊下不同的社會、經濟、環境所反應出來的災害程度是否相等,並促使各學術領域積極研究脆弱度。觀光業是高度依賴自然環境與氣候條件的產業(Bode, Hapke, & Zisler, 2003),然而環境與氣候不僅是許多休閒遊憩活動型態關鍵資源,且許多觀光景點座落或近於環境脆弱區,而環境脆弱區域的居民又往往相當仰賴當地資源維生,因此,對於環境脆弱區域中資源保育與觀光產業的和諧發展與共生共存,值得探討與研究。本研究著重於探討環境脆弱區域的環境認知情形,研究設計則應用制度與資源依賴理論為架構建構整合模式,以環境認知情形為實證議題,高雄市寶來溫泉區為研究地區。研究採用問卷調查法,以描述性統計分析、信?分析、相關分析、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析來驗證研究模式內各變數之間的關係。由本研究結果得知,制度和資源依賴影響寶來溫泉區在地居民的環境認知情形。了解整個制度環境中居民感受到的壓力與對資源的依賴情形有助於促進其環境認知的發展,唯有加強居民的環境認知才能引起居民自發性的關心環境,並進而真正解決環境的問題,達到資源與觀光的永續發展。 There are frequent disasters in recent years and scholars propose that the impact and scope of disasters change depending on environmental and social characteristics(Cutter, 1996). This article discusses whether the damages are the same in different societies, economies and environments under the same negative impact and facilitates various academic circles to actively research the vulnerability. Tourism is an industry heavily dependent on natural environment and climatic conditions(Bode, Hapke, & Zisler, 2003). The environment and climate are the key resources of many leisure and entertainment activities, but many tourist attractions are located in or near the environmentally vulnerable areas. Besides, the residents in environmentally vulnerable areas depend on the local resources heavily. Therefore, it’s worth researching the coexistence of harmonious tourism development and resource conservation in environmentally vulnerable areas. The research will focus on discussing the condition of the environmental cognition in environmentally vulnerable areas. The integration model will be built by applying institutional theory and resource dependence as the framework in research design. the condition of the environmental cognition will be the topic for demonstration and the Baolai hot spring areas will be the research areas. The questionnaire survey will be applied, through Descriptive Statistics, Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis, One-way ANOVA, Multiple Regression Analysis to verify the cause-and-effect relationship among various variables in the research model. According to the result of this research, institutional theory and resource dependence do have a great influence on the condition of the environmental cognition in Baolai hot spring areas. Knowing how much pressure the residents feel and how much they depend on the local resources under the whole institutional environment do help to enhance the development of the residents’ environmental cognition. Enhancing the residents’ environmental cognition is the best way to arouse the residents’ spontaneous care about their own environment. And that will lead to solve the environmental problems and achieve the sustainable development of resources and tourism. |