兒童讀經教育在中國流傳已有千餘年,直至清朝末年受到西方文化的衝擊,擁護者有之、反對者也有之,最後因時代潮流所趨於民國初年正式退出中小學的課程。但教育西化以來,隨著物質生活水準的改善,人民的道德層次卻未見提升,導致社會亂象紛呈,令人憂心不已。於是開始有學者提倡重新恢復經典的誦讀,企望藉由誦讀的過程將固有的傳統文化傳承下來,以導正社會風氣;最近民間陸續出現許多讀經團體,甚至讀經運動還進入到校園;有不少學校認為讀經有助於品德教育的推展,因此把讀經列入晨讀的課程。本篇論文將就讀經團體經典會考的教材與現今中小學的語文課程進行分析、比較與探討,期望從中找到相通之處,並做實務教學,以檢驗班級讀經之成效。本論文之建議有三點:一、中小學的語文課程需要重新審視與規劃;二、校外讀經班可以根據學校課程進行單元規劃;三、讀經教學可以列為全校性的常態化活動。 Reading-classics has been popular for thousands of years in China,however,it did not withdraw from elementary and secondary school curriculum until the end of Qing dynasty.Some supported the move and others acted otherwise.The time western thoughts entered China,and the mass improved on living standard,the peoples’s moral fabric was not elevated,the whole society chaotic and worrisome. Consequently,some scholars renewed clasics reciting in the hope of inheriting traditional culture and righting the society.Of late,there emerged many classics-reading groups and introduced classics-reading into schools.Many schools considered it beneficial to moral education and arranged for it in morning reading session. This reaearch analysed and compared Chinese classics and existing elemenatary Mandarin content,examing the effects of classics-reading .The suggestions are as follows:1.review and plan the Mandarin programme 2.classics-reading class material outside school should merge with current school programme 3.classics-reading teaching can slot in routine activities.