本研究的目的是探討大學生的危害風險知覺,主要以七個分量表調查大學生的危害風險行為認知,設計量表測驗學生對於各種危害行為以及對周圍環境的危險認知程度。七個分量表內容是:感情交往、不良嗜好、校外活動、住家環境、打工、交通、及交友之危害風險知覺。 測驗問卷共分三部分,分別是基本資料、七項危害風險知覺測驗,以及內外控人格特質測驗,接受調查之學生共有323人。結果發現『交通行為』、『感情交往』、及『校外活動』等三項在性別方面平均分數較其餘四項低。『不良嗜好』、『感情交往』、及『校外活動』等三項風險知覺,男性顯著低於女性。『不良嗜好』及『住家環境』兩項風險知覺,低年級者顯著低於高年級者。內外控人格特質不同對學生的危害風險知覺無顯著差異。 檢定不同經驗對受測者之危害風險知覺的影響,結果顯示『工作經驗』、『是否發生過性行為』、『是否有抽菸』、及『是否有助學貸款』等四項經驗對於大學生危害風險知覺有顯著影響。 此研究結果可以提供教育部針對大學生風險知覺較不足的項目加強管理。也可以提供各大專院校之學生管理參考,進一步規劃出危害風險防護之通識課程以及相關講座。 The purpose of this study was to design a test to investigate the hazard risk perception of college students. There were 323 college students participating in this study including 156 males and 167 females. Hazard Risk Perception Test (HRPT) which including seven subtests were carried out.The results showed that the lowest hazard risk perception were traffic hazard, social activity, and activities in out school. The test of the hazard risk perception among the groups of different genders, age, and locus of control in the participants, the results showed that there was no significantly difference in the groups inlocus of control, but there were significantly difference between the groups of difference genders and age. The score in the group of females was significantly higher than the groups of males in the hazard risk perception of bad hobby, social activity, and activities in out school.Moreover, among the groups of different experience in working, sexual experience, smoking experience, and tuition loan in the participants were significantly affecting their hazard risk perception.The results of this study can be provided for The Ministry of Education in Taiwan to strengthen risk management, and also provide in hazard risk management for further planning.