摘要: | 本研究評估人工鹽水與海水淡化廠鹵水應用於杜氏藻(D. salina)養殖之可行性,D. salina可生長於高鹽度之環境下,且為具有藻油提取價值及富含類胡?蔔素的嗜鹽藻。本研究首先評估D. salina於人工配製鹽水中之基本生長條件,探討不同培養基、不同光色與光強度、不同鹽度與溫度下之微藻生長狀況,並分析藻油及類胡蘿蔔素產量。其中不同培養基包括Modified Johnsons medium (MJR) 培養基、碳氮磷培養基(CNP)、曝氣(AIR)、曝氣+氮磷培養基(AIR+NP);光色種類,包括紅光、白光與藍光;光源強度有45、75、150、450 ?mol photons m-2s-1;溫度25、30、35 ?C;與鹽度35、55、60、70、80 ?。尋得較適生長條件後,進一步以實場鹵水進行養殖試驗,以了解鹵水於微藻養殖再利用之可行性。實驗結果顯示,D. salina之較適生長條件以曝氣+氮磷營養源、藍光下、溫度30 ?C、鹽度70?為較佳生長條件,光源強度在試驗範圍45 ~ 450 ?mol photons m-2s-1間,強度愈強愈佳。而實場鹵水養殖D. salina,其生長速率與人工鹽水並無太大差異,副產物藻油與類胡蘿蔔素產量亦與人工鹽水相似。唯目前海淡濃縮水鹽度55 ?非其較適產油與類胡蘿蔔素生產條件,未來實場應用應進一步考量如何再提升濃水鹽度,以增加副產物產量。 This study evaluates the feasibility of synthetic saline and real desalination brine applying in Dunaliella salina (D. salina) cultivation. D. salina cells are value to extract oil and carotenoid. The growth curves of D. salina in synthetic saline and real desalination brine tests are discussed. Oil and carotenoid production in cells are also determined.First, we try to find the suitable environmental parameters for D. salina. Different medium, light colors, light strength, and temperature are tested. The test mediums include Modified Johnsons medium (MJR), CNP medium (CNP), aeration (Air), and NP medium with aeration (Air+NP). The test light color includes red, white, and blue. Light strength ranges from 45 to 450 ?mol photons m-2s-1. Cultivation temperature includes 25, 30, 35 ?C. Cultivation salinity includes 35, 55, 60, 70, and 80 ?. The results show that medium of AIR+NP, blue light, 70 ?, and 30?C is better for D. salina cultivation. And the light strength is the stronger the better between test periods of 45 to 450 ?mol photons m-2s-1. Further, we use the real desalination brine for D. salina cultivation. The growth curve of D. salina in real desalination brine is similar to that in synthetic saline. It reveals that could live well in desalination brine. Besides the production of oil and carotenoid are also similar to that in synthetic saline tests. However, the salinity of the used desalination brine (55?) is still too low to have better production of oil and carotenoid. The application of desalination brine in D. salina cultivation should consider to raise the salinity of the brine. |