摘要: | 台灣溫泉產業多為傳統經營方式,主要為泡湯之休閒遊憩為主的利用方式,為有效利用地熱資源,本研究以關仔嶺的溫泉泥與壤土混合,依不同的比例,栽種數種植物,觀察其生長情形,以期能研究出適合關仔嶺溫泉區栽種的植物,讓該地能發展出在地獨特的溫泉農業。實驗組以5種溫泉泥比例:25%、20%、15%、10%、5%和壤土混合;對照組以0%(不含溫泉泥),種植6種植物—毛豆、向日葵、空心菜、芥菜、美濃瓜、蕃茄。實驗組分A、B、C三盆,對照組一盆。相同地點,依天氣況狀及植栽生長情形,以適量水澆灌。觀察並紀錄其植栽高度、葉面長度及葉面寬度。觀察實驗組是否優於對照組,最終研究該植物是否適合用關仔嶺的溫泉泥種植,以及適合以何種溫泉泥比例種植。由本研究實驗結果顯示,以上6種可生長植物中,以5%溫泉泥種植毛豆、10%溫泉泥種植向日葵、5%溫泉泥種植空心菜、15%溫泉泥種植芥菜、5%溫泉泥種植美濃瓜,以及15%溫泉泥種植蕃茄為最佳比例。其中,生長高度實驗組優於對照組的為向日葵10%,芥菜15%、蕃茄5%、10%、15%、20%、25%。關鍵字:關仔嶺、溫泉?、溫泉農業 The hot spring industry in Taiwan is mainly limited on hot spring bathing for recreations. In view of the prospects for developing a unique hot spring agriculture in Guanziling to utilize the geothermal resources effectively, we carried out this research with the mixture of hot spring mud and loam in different proportions to cultivate several plants. The experiment was designed to figure out the suitable plants to be cultivated in Guanziling; moreover, to determine the adequate application rate of hot spring mud.The experimental group consists of five hot spring mud ratios: 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% mixed with loam, compared with 0% for the control group (without any hot spring mud but loam). The plants grown for the study are soybeans, sunflowers, water spinaches, mustards, Mino melons and tomatoes. Each plant with different proportioned mixture of hot spring mud and loam had three pots marked with A, B and C respectively for the experimental group, as well as one pot without hot spring mud for the control group. The plant growth including the height of the plant, the leaf length and width in each experimental and control group was measured, recorded and photographed. At the end, according to the averaged measurements, a chart analysis was conducted to investigate the influence factors. In the experiment, different plants and different proportioned mixtures of hot spring mud and loam were used as the mutagenic factors under the fixed condition of light source, location, and irrigation with proper amounts of tape water.The experimental results about the growth conditions of each plant indicated as follows:1. soybeans: the 5% experimental group is better than the control group;2. sunflowers: the 10% experimental group is better than the control group;3. water spinaches: all the control groups are better than the experimental groups; of the experimental groups, 5% is the best; 4. mustards: all the control groups are slightly better than the experimental groups; of the experimental groups, 15% is the best. There was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups.5. Mino melons: all the control groups are slightly better than the experimental groups; of the experimental groups, 5%is the best. There was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups.6. tomatoes: all the experimental groups are better than the control groups; 15% is the best of them.The best mixed proportions of hot spring mud and loam are suggested as the following for planting in Guanziling:1. 5% mixture of hot spring and loam for soybeans;2. 10% mixture of hot spring and loam for sunflowers;3. 5% mixture of hot spring and loam for water spinaches; 4. 15% mixture of hot spring and loam for mustards;5. 5% mixture of hot spring and loam for Mino melons;6. 15% mixture of hot spring and loam for tomatoes.The followings are better than the control groups.1. 10% mixture of hot spring mud and loam for sunflowers;2. 5%、10%、15%、20%、25% mixture of hot spring mud and loam for tomatoes;Keywords: Guanziling, hot spring mud, spa agriculture |