本研究針對五家南部區域教學醫院,進行化學因子高危害暴露場所調查。透過實地訪查了解現場作業方式並根據物質安全資料表(SDS)遴選危害化學物質為標的物進行長時間與短時間環境測定採樣,以了解作業現場實況及勞工暴露情形。本研究依危害物質清單搭配現場作業方式選擇標的物為戊二醛、甲醛以及鄰苯二甲醛等三種具危害性且高使用頻率之化學物質的場所進行採樣分析與健康風險評估,並進行鄰苯二甲醛方法測試。本研究亦進行鄰苯二甲醛之分析條件測試,得到結果:溶劑以乙?之溶解效果最佳;採樣以裹敷2,4-DNPH矽膠吸附管進行補集是可行的;進行穩定度及回收率測試得知,樣品儲存於冷藏(4℃)環境,可儲存達14天;儀器以HPLC/UV波長設定於383nm進行分析,流速為2.0 mL/min、移動向為乙?/水(80/20,v/v)。環境測定結果,醫療院所作業環境空氣中甲醛濃度與既往研究相比有下降情況,經健康風險評估其致癌及非致癌之風險度,均低於可接受之風險;戊二醛濃度與既往研究相比差異性不大,經健康風險評估非致癌之風險度,均低於可接受之風險;鄰苯二甲醛在醫療院所中環境測定資料甚少,亦無相關容許濃度及健康風險資料,本研究雖在作業環境中有檢出濃度,但仍無法進行健康風險評估。 本研究除進行醫療院所化學因子高危害暴露場所作業環境測定與健康風險評估以外,因醫療院所中新興物質-鄰苯二甲醛目前於國內並無建議分析方法,故進行鄰苯二甲醛分析條件方法測試具初步結果,以期提供相關單位作為未來進行相關研究之參考。 Background & Objective: The medical staff in the hospital exposed to multiple risks staff especially exposure to chemicals. The object of the present study was to describe the medical staff who use of chemical substances in the work and to understand the risks of health and to test the analytical conditions with an alternative to Glutaraldehyde - Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), which has a similar capacity to kill bacteria.Methods: This study select the hospital within three common chemicals- Formaldehyde, Glutaraldehyde and OPA to monitoring the air levels in five local community teaching hospitals in southern Taiwan. The monitoring of air levels was performed with HPLC/UV (High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection).Results: The analytical conditions test with OPA is successful to use HPLC/UV & use 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-silica cartridge to trap OPA concentrations in air. Environmental measurement results, the concentration of formaldehyde in the air was downward trend with the previous studies, and calculate the Lifetime Cancer Probability can be accepted ; Glutaraldehyde concentrations in the air was same as the previous study, and calculate the Hazard Quotient(HQ) can be accepted, too ; as for OPA, we trap OPA concentrations in the air,but is lack of relevant information, so we unable to carry out health risk assessment.Conclusion: In this study investigation of environmental exposure to highly hazardous chemicals and health risk assessment in medical institutions, also to test the analytical conditions of OPA have preliminary results, may become a provide reference to the future research.