中文摘要背景及目的:因應高齡化社會的快速成長以及家庭結構的改變,長期照護的需求將因老年人口的健康照護越來越倚賴機構的服務而日趨迫切,其中養護機構與護理之家將扮演著舉足輕重的角色。由於這些機構的住民多屬於慢性疾病或行動不便、癱瘓的病人,亟需醫療服務資源的協助,故提供更好的醫療服務品質將有效提升養護機構的照護品質,保障機構住民的就醫權益。在醫療業已轉型為顧客導向及服務品質的時代,本研究即欲了解養護機構人員在安排住民就醫過程中對醫療服務品質及醫院形象的差異性,並探討醫療服務品質、醫院形象對養護機構人員在選擇後送單位的行為意圖之影響。方法:本研究採用台南市合法登記立案的養護機構(共計110家)及護理之家(共計68家)之負責人、院長、護理主管、行政主管為研究對象。在問卷方面,採用郵寄問卷方式進行問卷調查。本研究共發放245份問卷,回收126份,有效問卷共121份,有效問卷回收率為49.4%。調查期間自2015年05月15日起至2015年05月31日止,為期半個月。研究共提出四個假說,以統計學的假設檢定方法,利用SPSS之統計應用軟體分析。研究結果顯示,三個假設均達到統計上的顯著差異。結論:研究結果顯示:(1)「醫療服務品質」對「醫院形象」上有顯著正向影響。(2)「醫院形象」對「行為意圖」上有顯著正向影響。(3)「醫療服務品質」對「行為意圖」上有顯著正向影響。建議:依本研究結果顯示,發現醫療服務品質的良莠將影響醫院形象,且醫療服務品質與醫院形象皆對養護機構在選擇後送單位上有所影響,故本研究建議醫療院所若想開發養護機構之醫療市場,應加強醫護人員之醫療服務品質,並與養護機構維持良好之互動關係,以在養護機構間建立最佳的醫院形象。 AbstractBackground and Purpose:Because of the fast-growing aging society and the changes in family structure, health care of the elderly population becomes increasingly dependent on the services provided by the health care institutions. Furthermore, the demands for long-term health care become more urgent. Among these institutions, the conservation agencies and nursing homes will play pivotal roles. Because the residents of these institutions are mostly patients of chronic disease, handicapped or paralyzed patients, those needs to be assisted by the medical service resources, to provide better quality of medical services will effectively improve the health care quality of these institutions and assure the patients rights of the residents of these institutions. One of the study aims is to examine the differences of cognitive and perceptual experience of health care institution personnels to the quality of medical services and the image of hospital. The other aim is to study the effects of the quality of medical services and the image of hospital on the behavioral intentions of these health care institutions.Methods:In this study, data were collected from the responsible persons, nursing directors, and administrative directors of legally registered long-term health care institutions (a total of 110) and nursing homes (a total of 68) in Tainan. The survey was conducted between 15th and 30th of May, 2015, and a total of 245 questionnaires were distributed. There were 121 valid questionnaires. The percentage of effective questionnaire was 49.4%. There were four hypotheses in this study. All of the data were analyzed using the SPSS software.Conclusion:According to the results, there were statistically significant differences in three hypotheses: (1) the quality of medical service has significant positive impact on the image of hospital; (2) the image of hospital has significant positive impact on the behavioral intentions; (3) the quality of medical service has significant positive impact on the behavioral intentions.Recommendation:The results showed that the quality of medical service will affect the image of hospitals, and both the quality of medical service and the image of hospital have impacts on the choice of evacuation unit for health care institutions. This study suggests that medical institutions should strengthen the quality of medical services to enhance the images of hospitals, and establish good relations of cooperation with health care institutions.