在人口急速老化的偏鄉地區,因交通較為不便,醫療照顧更顯其重要性。若由當地社區藥局藥師介入社區居家藥事照護,則可就近提供居民正確用藥指導,且提高用藥安全以降低風險。本研究以臺南市偏遠地區居民,且篩選高風險用藥族群為收案對象,實施為期一年藥事照護,與未實施照護之比較。依所得數據,進行編碼建檔與統計分析,以敘述統計量與母體平均數檢定作統計分析。統計顯示藥事照護介入前,即2012年藥費支出為11,802元,介入後即西元2013年支出11,386元,下降了416.15元。而後在2014年停止居家藥事照護一年,追蹤觀察藥費支出為13,891元。是年停止介入後的藥費支出反上升了2,505元,此差異具有顯著性(p=0.000)。2012年用藥品項介入前為6.37項,介入後2013年則為5.75項,下降0.62項,具有顯著性差異(p=0.003)。2012年看診次數介入前為25.01次,介入後看診次數為23.38次,下降1.63次,亦具顯著性差異(p=0.000),統計顯示,執行藥事照護有助於降低醫療成本之耗費。社區藥局介入居家照護後,可增加居民信賴度,且提升用藥安全及健康品質,門市營業額也因此攀升,值得給予新進藥師規畫參考。 The populations have begun to concentrate in urban areas; those who remain in rural locations tend to be more advanced in age or have some form ofphysical disability.Assigning a local pharmacist to provide pharmaceutical care to a rural community helps contribute correct medical guidance to improve the local population's medication adherence as well as consultation regarding polypharmacy, drug interactions, and potentially inappropriate medications in order to reduce adverse drug reactions and increase health literacy and medication safety.This study investigated the residents currently using medication in an area of Tainan, focusing on those who obtain medications for chronic diseases at the local pharmacy, visit multiple medical departments, have over five types ofmedications, and use high-risk medications.Results showed that before pharmaceutical care intervention, the drug costs for one year was NT$13,891.97; after intervention ended increased NT$2,505.74 (p=0.000). The mean number of medications used within one year before pharmaceutical care intervention was 6.37; after intervention was 5.75, decreasing 0.62 (p=0.000). The mean number of annual clinical visits before intervention was 25.01; after intervention was 23.38, decreasing 1.63 (p=0.000).Analysis of residents using high-risk medication after pharmaceutical care intervention at a community pharmacy revealed that the changes in the guidance on medication safety and therapeutic effects can increase residents' medication safety; this improved health further increases the number of patrons at the pharmacy as well as its revenues.