本研究對象為台南一知名影城,屬於娛樂服務業,主要為人們提供電影娛樂,而整體事業為各部門分工,影城員工於各部門之作業內容常為重複性工作,若長期以不適當姿勢作業,容易增加肌肉骨骼傷害之風險,本研究利用北歐肌肉骨骼調查表(NMQ)以及全身快速評估 (REBA),對現場作業勞工之眼部及相關肌肉骨骼傷害進行調查。NMQ問卷結果顯示,有高達75%之員工有肌肉骨骼不適的現象,其中不適部位盛行率以「下背部或腰」、「腳或腳踝」為最高,其次為「眼部」。不適症狀以「痠痛」為最高,其次為「發麻」,另外,眼部是以「乾澀酸澀」為最高,其次為「視力模糊」。在不適情形及各種不適變項的卡方檢定上,是否不適與年齡、做家事頻率、工作性質、工作時段、工作資歷、內外場及每天時數有顯著關係;眼部與年齡、工作性質、工作時段、每天時數有顯著關係;脖子與身高及工作性質有顯著相關;上背與運動習慣及使用電腦頻率有顯著相關;手肘與使用電腦頻率及工作資歷有顯著相關;下背及腰部與身高有顯著相關;臀部及大腿與性別、使用電腦頻率、工作資歷有顯著相關。於REBA工作姿勢分析中,各部門的分別作業姿勢風險半數屬於「姿勢有中度危害、須採取改善行動」,而另外半數屬於「姿勢有高度危害、須盡快採取改善行動」。其中屬於高度危害有販賣部爆米花手、收銀員、售票部員工及樓面清掃人員。 The job contents of the studios employees in various departments usually are repetitive work, if employees doing the long-term jobs wih improper postures easily increase the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. In this study, we use Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) to investigate labor related musculoskeletal and eye injuries of employees. NMQ questionnaire results shows theres up to 75% of employees have muscularskeletal discomfort phenomenon, among those uncomfortable body position the highest prevalence are "lower back or the waist", "foot or ankle" and followed by the "eye". Uncomfortable symptom is "pain" as the highest, followed by "numb". Uncomfortable symptom of eye is "dry sour" as the highest, then "blurred vision".Chi-squre test is applied to expore the relationship between discomfort situations and various variables. Discomfort situations have significant realationship with the variables of age, housework frequency, nature of work, working hours, work experience. Eye discomforts have significant relationship with the variables of age, nature of work, working period, working hours. Neck discomforts have significant relationship with height and the nature of work. Upper back discomforts have significant relationship with exercise habits and frequency of using computers. Elbow discomforts have significant relationship with frequency of using computers and work experience. Lower back discomforts and waist discomforts have significant relationship with height. Hips and thighs discomforts have significant relationshops with sex, frequency of using computers and work experience.The REBA scores of the half departments indicate medium risk and call for further investigation and the other half deapartmensts indicate high risk and call for immediate improvement. The departments among those high risk groups are retail departments, popcorn seller, cashiers, ticket department and floor cleaning staffs.