溫泉和負離子對於人體健康皆有促進的作用。國內溫泉所在地有位於高山森林區也有位處平原區,且泡湯池亦有分室內池及室外池之分,所以各泡湯地點的負離子濃度高低是有差異的,且目前尚無探討溫泉與負離子兩項因素共同對腦波影響的相關研究,故本研究希望了解溫泉場域中負離子濃度的高低對人體是否會有影響,進而了解泡湯地點的選擇是否對人體有不同的影響。本研究採用實驗分析法,將數據利用SPSS 12.0 for Windows進行資料統計分析。在浸泡溫泉時以負離子偵測儀全程監測環境負離子濃度的高低及溫度、濕度的變化,同時以腦波儀測量實驗中腦波,以了解泡湯場域負離子濃度的高低對腦波的影響。實驗結果顯示,負離子的濃度在溫泉場區中的確會對腦波的Low Alpha波產生影響。 Both hot spring and negative ions can promote health. Some of Taiwan’s hot springs are located in forest regions in high mountains and some in plains. Besides, the hot spring bathing pools include indoor ones and outdoor ones. As a result, the concentration of negative ions in variuos bathing pools are different and there’re no related researches discussing the effects of hot spring and negative ions on brain waves. Therefore, this research hopes to learn whether the concentration of negative ions in the environment of hot spring bath can affect human health, and whether the selection of the location of such pools can have different effetcs on human health.This research applies the method of experimental analysis and statistically analyzes the data with SPSS 12.0 for Windows. It monitors the concentration of negative ions, the environment temperature and the changes in humidity in the whole course with a negative ion detector, and measures brain waves in the experiment with a electroencephalograph so as to learn about the effects of the concentration of negative ions in the environment of hot spring bath on brain waves.The experimental results show the concentration of negative ions in the environment of hot spring bath really have effects on Low Alpha of brain waves.