全民健康保險自民國84年開辦以來至今已邁入第19年,其間歷經了許多重要的變革,健保藥價藥價也做了八次藥價調整,當然此舉也對相關產業造成了相當大的衝擊跟影響,不論是醫藥界或是其相關產業面都已經做了不得不的因應跟改變。 由於現行藥價公布施行後,直接或間接受到醫療院所總額預算牽動影響,民眾慢箋用藥可能遭到醫療院所換藥所牽連,本論文研究動機乃以探討藥價調降對民眾用藥影響的各種可能影響因素層面研究。並對兩家不同型態健保藥局領藥民眾採隨機問卷發放,研究結果如下 :一、區域內受訪民眾在「教育程度」、「慢箋處方出處」、「藥價政策調降資訊來源」三個基本人口變項呈現顯著差異。二、社區健保藥局人口變項中,「教育程度」及「病患就醫檢查頻率」、「職業」在「病患自覺控制成效」、「慢性處方箋藥品品項」及「病患就醫檢查頻率」,等變項存在差異。三、鄰近醫院健保藥局之人口基本變項中,「教育程度」及「病患就醫檢查頻率」、「職業」在「健保政策瞭解程度」、「慢性處方箋出處」及「病患自覺控制成效」,等三項存在差異。 National health insurance had been launched into nineteenth year since 1995 and had made eight drug price adjustment simultaneously.Many different policy on drug price have a great effect and consequence in related industries . Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry and related industries had to be able to respond it timely. Since the announcement of the implementation of the current drug price, either directly or indirectly affected by the budget affects the total impact of medical institutions, the population’s refill prescriptions may have implicated dressing hospitals.The motivation of this research investigated the impact of price cuts on public administration factor that may affect various aspects of research. The results of this study are as follows: 1.Three basic demographic variables education、refill prescriptions provenance and drug price cut sources of information policy showed significant differences in statistics. 2.The results of testing in community health pharmacy showed that “patient medical check frequency” on education”、 “patient conscious control” on“occupation” 、 “items chronic prescription drug” and “patient medical examination frequency” on “effectiveness” , also had significant differences . 3.The results of testing in nearby hospitals health insurance pharmacy showed that “patient medical check frequency” on and “level of understanding of health care policy”、 “chronic prescription provenance” and “conscious control patients effectiveness” on“occupation” also had significant differences.