本研究以聯合行銷的概念融入電子商務平台的特性,透過更新維護牡丹鄉原鄉部落觀光與商務聯合行銷平台,以及分析溫泉特色經濟與發展趨勢的方式,了解牡丹鄉溫泉區推廣電子商務系統的現況,期望能達到推廣牡丹鄉原鄉部落觀光生態產業發展,提高原鄉部落就業機會及產業競爭力,進而達到改善原住民族經濟條件及生活品質的目標。本研究將溫泉高值產品定位為新興市場,依五力分析建議牡丹鄉應本著獨特品牌,樹立獨特溫泉形象,才有機會成為時代溫泉高值商品之標竿。推估我國2016年「溫泉化粧保養品」、「溫泉樂活食品」、「溫泉風味餐食」、「溫泉文創商品」單一廠商營業金額分別為0.29、0.31、0.10、0.05億新臺幣,並以2016年為基礎營業金額,同時考量其年成長率及成本波動數值,換算其損益及整體效益分析得知各項商品分類具正向經濟投資效益。 This research combined the marketing concept of electronic commerce platform through the aboriginal tribe at Mutan township tourism and electronic commerce platform joint marketing to analyze the uniqueness of aboriginal hot spring district in order to understand the situation for the electronic commercial system. We took a step further by launching an event at Wufeng township hot spring district with the aboriginal tribes. The purpose is to promote the development for the Wufeng township tribe, increase the tribal employment opportunity, industry competiveness, improving economic conditions as well as raising the standard of living for the local aboriginal tribe.High value hot spring products were displayed at the emerging market. In accordance from the aboriginal tribe and the Porter five forces analysis, a symbol for setting up the unique hot spring image was suggested for the purpose of representing the high valued brand in the modern era. This research estimated in year 2016, hot spring cosmetic products will generate 29 million in New Taiwan Dollar. The lifestyle of health and sustainability will generate 31 million New Taiwan Dollar. Local hot spring themed restaurant will generate 10 million New Taiwan Dollar. Hot spring cultural and creative industry will generate 5 million New Taiwan Dollar. Based on the commercial revenue in year 2016, the analysis for the above four categories will be beneficial toward the economic development in Taiwan.