摘要: | 人類從紀元前就知道可以利用草木灰與油脂共同煮沸,製造出具有清潔與起泡力的香皂,直到二十一世紀的今日,香皂依然在人類生活當中,扮演不可或缺的角色。隨著環保意識抬頭,因而使手工香皂風氣逐漸興盛,因此對於香皂所具有的物理性質、洗卸力、功效性及溫和性質隨之被重視。
實驗結果顯示:1)自製手工香皂熟成需28天,各項性質可達一平衡狀態。2)基礎油脂中起泡力強弱:椰子油(8.2cm)>棕櫚油>橄欖油,熟成後硬度大小:椰子油(7820.09mN)>棕櫚油>橄欖油,卸妝力:椰子油(△E:4.29)>棕櫚油>橄欖油,穩泡性:椰子油(-0.06cm/min)>橄欖油>棕櫚油。3)以混合油脂所製成的香皂,其起泡力與卸妝力皆優於單以基礎油脂所製成的香皂,其中以卸妝力影響最為明顯,當中以含椰子油及棕櫚油之配方C2O0P1具有最為良好卸妝力、起泡性及硬度。4)市售香皂硬度:M1(7992.70 mN)>M3>M2>M4>M5,起泡性:M3
研究分析自製手工香皂與市售香皂各項性能表現,盼能以作為化妝品研究開發人員對於香皂開發之參考依據。 From the era before humans know use ash and grease boiled together to create have a cleaning and bubble soap. Until today, soap still among around our life. With the rise of environmental awareness, and it gets to make handmade soap began to flourish, so the physical properties of the soap has, cleaning power, efficacy and safety along with taken seriously. This study focused on the properties of handmade soaps, and analyzed and discussed commercial soap to investigate the relationship between the nature. Handmade soap with the most common types of base oils, with each other and then after saponification, the properties test carried out and analyzed the properties commercial soap, choose one have good property handmade soap commercially available comparative correlation with, and then summarized and conclusions. The results:1) Handmade soap ripening need 28 days. 2) The foaming power of base oils: coconut oil (8.2cm)> Palm> olive oil, Hardness : Coconut oil (7820.09mN)> Palm> olive oil, cleaning (△E:4.29)> Palm> olive oil, foam stability: Coconut oil (-0.06cm / min)> Olive Oil> Palm Oil. 3) mixed oil soap, the foaming power and cleaning are better than soap made with oil-based, special of cleaning, C2O0P1 formula it has the most excellent cleaning, foaming and hardness. 4) commercial soap hardness: M1(7992.70 mN)> M3> M2> M4> M5,Foaming: M3 (9.70cm)> M5> M4> M1> M2, Foam stability: M4 (-0.09cm / min)> M5> M3> M1 = M2,Cleaning: M3 (△E15.94)> M5> M4> M2> M1. 5) After a commercial soap efficacy test have increased relative humidity; irritation: M3 (△a: 2.34)> M4> M2> M1> M5, but all belong to the scope of the security does not stimulate. 6) Correlation between the soap, after analysis by the SPSS statistical calculations, which are no significant correlations associated power and detergency remover only highly relevant department. 7) Compared with commercial soap and handmade soap, and found that physical and chemical properties, and commercial soap Cleansing force performance is similar, but in terms of mildness and effectiveness is better than commercial soap, revealing recipes for the production of hand soap recipe C2O0P1 the reference base, the foundation for subsequent research study, and then to develop more high-performance low-irritating soap. |