摘要: | 摘要國內目前營運中大型垃圾焚化廠共有24座,以此為業人員估計約有2,400餘人,大部份從業人員必需全年無休輪班工作,因工作環境特殊或輪班等異常工作負荷,容易導致職業傷害。本研究採用結構性問卷以立意取樣方式將200份問卷郵寄至國內北、中、南8座大型垃圾焚化廠,問卷填寫按不同工作部門而人數不同,回收198份有效問卷,透過問卷調查找出從業人員於不同作業場所的工作負荷差異,及影響各部門職業安全衛生管理之主要因子。研究結果發現各類工作者中以操作暨技術人員工作負荷最重、安環暨管理人員次之、地磅暨清潔人員工作負荷最輕。身心創傷與經常性工作負荷程度呈現顯著正相關;而經常性工作負荷程度與安全衛生成效得分則呈現顯著負相關,顯示從業人員經常性工作負荷程度愈高時其所處環境之安全衛生成效就愈差而且身心創傷程度愈高。焚化廠最應改善工安問題的區域為:鍋爐區、廢氣處理區、飛灰穩定化區、廢水處理區及傾卸平台區。而時下年輕人大都不願參與辛苦、危險、骯髒的3K場所作業,未來恐造成人才斷層,此結構性失衡問題亟需各級政府全面檢討、研擬對策,用政策導引、從教育著手,長遠規劃、持續執行始能逐漸改善。 AbstractA total of 24 large refuse incineration plants are currently operating in Taiwan, about 2,400 people work there as a job are estimated. The majority of employees are required to work in shifts throughout the year, increase the risk of occupational injury due to the special work environment or abnormal shift workloads. This study used structured questionnaire of purposive sampling approach, 200 questionnaires were mailed to the northern, central and southern eight large refuse incineration plants, according to the different departments and the various numbers of members to fill in the questionnaire. 198 valid questionnaires recovered were then analyzed by SPSS statistical software, to find out the differences of employees’ workload between different workplaces, and the main factors affecting occupational safety and health management of each department. The results found that operator-cum-technical personnel gets the heaviest workload from all types of employees, followed by safety and environmental-cum-manager, and weighbridge-cum-cleaning staff has the lightest workload. Physical and psychological trauma shows significant positive correlation with the degree of regularly workload, on the other hand, the degree of regularly workload shows significant negative correlation with the score of safety and health performance, it says that the higher degree of employees’ regularly workload, the worse effectiveness of safety and health of the working environment and the higher degree of physical and psychological trauma. According to worker safety issues, regions of incineration plants should be improved most are: the boiler area, gas treatment area, fly ash stabilizing region, wastewater treatment area, and the dumping platform area. Nevertheless, young people at present often refuse to participate in hard(Kitsu), dangerous(Kiken), dirty(Kitana) workplaces of 3K salary, it could lead to the shortage of talents in the future. We need comprehensive reviews of all levels of government, elaborating countermeasures, proceeding from education with policy guidance, long-term planning, and continued implementation before the problem of structural imbalance can gradually improve. |