摘要: | 民國96年3月21日總統公佈藥師法第15條新增藥師業務---藥事照護相關業務,故即日起逐步發展藥師業務的新形態服務,此研究要了解藥師的新型態服務品質是否符合民眾需求? 本研究使用PZB(Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L)模式為基本概念,以有形性、可靠性、回應性、保證性、關懷性五個構面去設計問卷,探討民眾對社區藥局服務品質的重要性(期望)與滿意度(認知)程度之差異。問卷由社區藥局的民眾自行填寫或藥師協助填寫完成,進行便利性取樣。自104年4月10日至104年5月10日截止,共發出250份,回收有效問卷141份。並運用SPSS的描述性統計、因素分析、t檢定,來檢定各變相間之關係。 整體而言,重要性和滿意度具差異性(P<0.05),故又做了全體五構面的分析,發現回應性、保證性、關懷性P<0.05是具差異性。因此更進一步針對性別、年齡、學歷、地區再作分析,性別方面男、女對於回應性、保證性、關懷性滿意度不如重要性,但男生有形性滿意度是高於重要性的;在年齡方面以26~65歲的五構面之重要性皆大於滿意度;而學歷部分則以大學以上的回應性、保證性、關懷性之重要性大於滿意度;至於地區以南、北具差異性。 因此建議社區藥局藥師應熟悉電腦應用的軟體可迅速提供民眾所要之資訊,亦可利用網路資訊充實自身知能。維持愉快的工作環境,將愉悅的氛圍帶給來社區藥局的民眾。 On March 21 in 2007 the president of Republic of China announced that the added new norm on the fifteenth article of Pharmacist Law – pharmacists’ performance on their duty. Since then, pharmacist will start their work with new type performance. This study is to figure out whether the quality of the pharmacist new type performance fit to peoples’ need. This study used PZB (Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L) mode as the basic concept, using tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy these five perspective to design questionnaire to find out the difference between the importance (expectation) about the quality of community pharmacy service and the satisfaction degree (cognition). To do the convenience sampling, questionnaires are filled up by the people themselves or through the help of pharmacists. There are 250 questionnaires in total and 141 valid collected during April 10, 2015 to May 10, 2015. The collected data use the SPSS descriptive statistic, t-tests to verify the relationship between the difference variable. In the whole, there are significant differences between the importance and the expectation, So we analyze these five perspectives. It shows that responsiveness, assurance and empathy are with a difference because of p<0.05 therefore, We further analyze gender age education, and area. In term of gender, male and female for responsiveness, assurance and empathy, the satisfaction inferiored to the importance , but male for tangibles, the satisfaction superpasses the importance. At the age 26 to 65, the importance superpasses satisfaction. In terms of education, people with bachelor’s degree above for responsiness , assurance and empathy, the importance superpasses satisfaction. In term of area, the north area is different from the south area. I suggest the pharmacist in the community pharmacy should be tamiliar with computer appliance to offer the information that people need swittly, and enhance their own professional accomplishment by using the Internet resources to keep a pleasant working surroundings brings joyful atmosphere to the masses who come to the community pharmacy. |