臺灣於1995年3月開始實施「全民健康保險」,於二年後實施「醫藥分業」,讓民眾可在就醫後憑醫師開立的處方箋,自由選擇健保藥局調劑。因應慢性病處方箋的釋出及人口年齡趨於老年化的關係,多重疾病就醫帶來的處方箋用藥種類增加,藥局以人工輸入處方箋的資料量相對也就跟著增加。然而目前全國健保藥局使用的健保申報系統超過十套以上,處方箋資料在不同醫療機構與健保藥局彼此之間的傳遞,更顯得重要。為避免健保藥局人工輸入處方箋可能造成的輸入錯誤,及長工時下造成的疲勞疏忽,藉由QR Code可容納多量資料的特性,直接將處方箋資料讀入健保系統內,減少藥師人工資料輸入的動作,也可降低處方箋上傳中央健康保險署的錯誤率。本研究選定台南市「社區健保藥局藥師」作為研究受訪對象,以問卷方式發放,研究藥師對處方箋上QR Code的認知、使用態度及使用行為,經統計分析後 ,發現半數以上藥師在認知和使用態度上對於處方箋QR Code是清楚和肯定其功能的;而有讀取設備的藥師在認知、使用態度和使用行為上也都高於沒有QR Code設備的藥師。另一方面因為可使用申報軟體「處方箋複製功能」及沒有QR Code設備的藥師因為還得「增加設備預算」等因素,讓受訪藥師表示不會想使用QR Code來調劑。不過也有接近半數的藥師對於可減少上傳健保署的錯誤率抱持懷疑的態度。整體上來說多數人是肯定QR Code帶來的方便性,不過也許醫院的處方箋QR Code建置仍不夠完整及藥局添購設備需要經費的關係,讓藥師使用上顯得較不積極。 The current health care system in Taiwan, known as National Health Insurance, was instituted in March 1995. The system offers equal access to health care for all citizens and two years later implements Separation of Prescribing and Dispensing. The patient can freely choice a Pharmacy of National Health Insurance and fill a prescription after visiting a doctor. Due to the idea of encouraging prescription refill slip issuance from domestic policy for separation of prescribing and dispensing grows up and population ageing is getting more and more in Taiwan, the type of the medicine for the chronic disease prescription refill is increasing and pharmacy staffs have to type more materials into the computer than before. In the face of the fussy sequence of operation and zero loss dispensing prove to be a millstone around the Pharmacists' neck. Transferring patient's medical information correctly and safely in different medical information systems is an important ring of medical safety, because National Health Insurance Administration has more than ten Insurance-filling Systems.To avoid the mistakes by typing wrong data and fatigue negligence under long work time from pharmacy staffs, using QR Code is easier and more comfortable. QR Code can hold lots of information. Pharmacist will turn into the decoded data and directly read in the health insurance systems. Pharmacy staffs don't have to make the new whole prescription refills from very beginning. It can reduce typing mistakes from pharmacy staffs and transferring wrong prescription refills to National Health Insurance Administration.This research was using questionnaire to community pharmacists in Tainan City. The study resulted presents the cognitives, attitudes and using behaviors for the QR Code of the pharmacists. The statistics were be compared and analyzed, weather there was significant differences in this research, which showed that more than half of pharmacists in cognitives and attitudes for prescription QR Code clear and affirm its function. The pharmacists in cognitives, attitudes and using behaviors, who had the QR Code equipments, were better than the pharmacists who didn't had the QR Code equipments. But on the other hand pharmacists didn't want to use QR Code because of the funtions for the copy of prescriptions had to increase the equipment budget. However, there are nearly half of the pharmacists can reduce the error rate for the Department of National Health Insurance upload skeptical. On the whole most people are sure to bring the convenience of QR Code, but maybe hospital prescription QR Code build is still not complete and pharmacy purchase the equipment needed funding relationship, so that pharmacists use seem less aggressive