摘要: | 「安全文化」是企業追求的一條持續改善,更上層樓的永續之道,除可降低職業災害發生,亦可提升勞工安全意識,進而內化成勞工的行為模式,確保每個勞工的家庭幸福。本研究主要為探討半導體業安全文化的促進模式,評估是否確實可提昇企業的安全文化,並以半導體封測業進行實際運用。建構之模式參考勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所2013年「製造業安全文化診斷與輔導」計畫所開發評量工具,依產業特性修改成適合之問卷並進行實測,再以SPSS統計軟體進行數據分析,針對問卷結果中安全文化向度弱項導入促進策略。提升安全文化的促進措施及實務做法除參考上述計畫外,並依據產業作業特性及安衛現狀,挑選出適合的促進策略,並加以落實施行。為驗證促進模式可行性,以新竹地區某半導體封測公司為促進模式驗證對象,於促進策略執行前及後,分別進行問卷調查,前後測各發出300份問卷,有效問卷各回收270及287份。依據前測數據分析結果,分數較公司整體安全文化低的三個面向,分別挑選對應之促進策略並確實執行後,再進行後測及數據分析。結果顯示組織安全獎懲提昇5.29分,組織安全訓練提昇3.02分,主管安全領導則提昇2.47分,整體安全文化也提昇1.24分。代表此模式確實適用於半導體業,如依據產業特性修改,亦可比照應用至其他產業。 “Safety culture” constitutes a path that business enterprises can follow in order to achieve continued improvement and realize a higher level of sustainability in their operations. Besides helping to lower the incidence of occupational accidents, safety culture can also strengthen workers’ safety consciousness, so that it becomes internalized in workers’ modes of behavior, thereby helping to protect the well-being and happiness of each worker’s family. The main focus of the present study is on exploring a model for semiconductor promoting safety culture, and evaluating whether such a model can in fact contribute to enhancing business enterprises’ safety culture; the model is put into practical application in the semiconductor assembly and testing industry. In establishing the model, reference was made to the evaluation tools developed as part of the “Manufacturing Industry Safety Culture Diagnostics and Guidance Plan” implemented in 2013 by the Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health (ILOSH), Ministry of Labor (Taiwan). These evaluation tools were modified to produce a questionnaire survey suited to the special characteristics of the target industry, and the survey was then administered; SPSS software was used for data analysis, and promotion strategies were adopted with respect to those safety culture vectors where weakness was revealed in the questionnaire survey results. As regards the promotion strategies and practical methods used to promote the enhancement of safety culture, besides referencing the Plan referred to above, additional appropriate promotion strategies were selected in light of the operational characteristics of the industry and the current state of health and safety in this industry; the strategies were then put into practical application. In order to verify the feasibility of the promotion model, a semiconductor assembly and testing firm located in the Hsin-Chu area was selected to be the target of model verification. The questionnaire survey was implemented at this company on two occasions, before and after implementation of the promotion strategy. On both occasions, a total of 300 questionnaires were handed out; the number of valid completed questionnaires returned was 270 and 287 respectively. On the basis of the data analysis results obtained with the first questionnaire, three areas were identified where the level of safety culture was lower than the average for all areas for the company as a whole. After selecting and implementing appropriate promotion strategies, the questionnaire was administered again and data analysis was performed once more. The results obtained in the second questionnaire survey showed an improvement of 5.29 points in the organization’s use of rewards and punishments to promote safety, an improvement of 3.02 points in the organization’s implementation of safety-related training, and an improvement of 2.47 points in managers’ safety-related leadership. Overall, the company’s safety culture level was found to have risen by 1.24 points. These results indicate that the model adopted is in fact appropriate for use in the semiconductor industry, and suggest that, provided that suitable modifications are made to account for differences in industry characteristics, it should also be possible to apply the model to other industries. |