依據行政院衛生福利部調查,比較1993-1996與2005-2008年「國民營養健康狀況變遷」中發現,由於國民飲食型態的西式化和生活型態趨向靜態,使得肥胖與其相關代謝疾病(例如代謝症候群、糖尿病等)之盛行率大幅增加。此調查也發現國人平均油脂攝取量占總熱量的33%,代表油脂攝取過量,可能是造成肥胖的重要原因之一。本研究目的在於探討大學生如何改善油脂相關攝取行為;以跨理論模式與Kristal之降低油脂攝取行為面向為架構,分析大學生如何藉由行為改變策略的方式,改善油脂攝取量。研究對象為南部某科技大學共138名學生,採自填式半開放式問卷方式進行資料收集,並以質性研究方法分析。問卷除請受試者描述自己的良好與不良之飲食行為,並要求受試者在一星期內,執行改善不良的油脂攝取相關之飲食行為,同時記錄執行過程和心得經驗。結果發現,油脂攝取行為多與油炸物有關;受試者主要是透過跨理論模式中的「決策權衡」,以及「改變方法」中的「替代行為」、「幫助關係」等策略來進行飲食行為的改變;以及使用「以低脂食物的替代品替換高脂食物」和「減少油脂攝取次數」的方法來降低油脂攝取量。本研究建議,當實施大學生的降低油脂飲食行為改變的介入活動時,可藉由採用一些可行性高、效果良好的行為策略,以提升飲食行為改變的成效性。 According to the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT), surveyed by Ministry of Health and Welfare, Executive Yuan, the comparison between 1993-1996 and 2005-2008 NAHSIT showed that the prevalence of obesity and its relevant metabolic diseases (e.g. metabolic syndrome, diabetes, etc.) had been increasing greatly, due to the westernization of Taiwanese dietary patterns and their sedentary lifestyle. The survey also found that Taiwanese dietary fat intake was about 33% of total calories. And excessive fat consumption is one of the main dietary risk factors for obesity. This study aimed to investigate the determinants of dietary behavioral changes associated with fat intake among the university students. Transtheoretical model (TTM) and the application of a behavioral approach to measuring dietary fat change (by Kristal) were employed as the study framework. A total of 138 university students in Southern Taiwan were recruited. A self-administered and semi-open questionnaire was used as the measuring tool to collect data, and the data were analyzed by the qualitative method. In the questionnaire, the subjects were requested to describe their good and bad dietary behaviors. Also, they were asked to choose one of the bad dietary fat-related behaviors and then to execute a behavioral change action for one week. They recorded the behavioral strategies used, the action process, and the experiences and feelings of their implementation. The results showed that dietary fat intake behavior associated mostly was the consumption of deep-fried foods. The behavioral strategies of the subjects used most frequently were to change their dietary behaviors by “decisional balance”, as well as the “counterconditioning” and “helping relationships” of Processes of Change. The approaches of “replacing high-fat foods with low-fat alternatives” and “reducing the usage frequency of dietary fat intake” were also employed for the dietary fat reduction. This study suggested that while implementing the dietary fat-related behavioral change intervention among the university students, it might ensure the effectiveness of dietary behavior change if the more feasible, and effective behavioral strategies would be applied.