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    Title: 以ISSR分子標記區別不同品種之牛樟扦插苗
    Molecular Markers Derived from ISSR Analysis for the Characterization of the Different Cinnamomum kanehirae Hayata Samples
    Authors: 李宜穎
    Contributors: 生物科技系
    Keywords: 聚合酶鏈鎖反應
    Cinnamomum kanehirae
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-10-21 17:04:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 牛樟 (Cinnamomum kanehirae),樟科 (Lauraceae)肉桂屬 (Cinnamomum)植物,屬於台灣原生特有種,分佈於海拔450-2000公尺的山區。近年來,牛樟樹的用途不僅用於製造雕刻藝術品,牛樟木材的精油也發現具有抗菌療效,而牛樟樹為牛樟芝的天然宿主,因牛樟芝的療效被大幅報導,為了採集牛樟芝,往往將牛樟樹挖洞取菇,或者砍伐牛樟樹進行椴木植菌,使得大量的牛樟樹遭盜伐,數量銳減。為了探討牛樟之族群遺傳多樣性與地理親緣關係,本研究利用簡單重複序列 (Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat, ISSR)分子標誌技術,來區分不同品種之牛樟扦插苗。 本實驗由廠商提供18個樣本,再加上原本蒐集的2個樣本,共20個樣本,使用20個ISSR引子進行聚合?鏈鎖反應 (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR),具有多型性條帶之引子有11個,分別為UBC815、UBC816、UBC825、UBC834、UBC841、UBC842、UBC850、UBC855、UBC856、UBC864及UBC891,獲得131條帶,其中多型性條帶有93條,多型性達70.1%。使用NTSYS-pc2.0軟體進行群團分析 (cluster analysis),並計算出各分類群間的距離,最後再以非加權配對算數平均法 (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean, UPGMA)進行歸群分析並繪製樹狀圖。 初步結果顯示,利用Dice相似性公式計算出的相似係數介於0.69-0.96之間,以相似係數0.83為切點時,可將20個牛樟扦插苗品種分成11群,樣品H及N和其餘18個樣品相似係數最低,其中樣品D和樣品E較為接近。經由本實驗可以減少市場買賣糾紛,藉此分析模式可了解不同牛樟苗之地理親緣關係,也可以於成苗前針對不同用途(木材生產、精油生產或是椴木)預先選殖出合適的牛樟品系。
    Cinnamomum kanehirae is an endemically important species in Taiwan belonging to Lauraceae. C. kanehirae can not only do wood craving but extract oil essential. In recent years, C. kanehirae is used to cultivate Antrodia cinnamomea. It is said that A. cinnamomea can cure liver disease. Because of the increasing demand of A. cinnamomea, C. kanehirae is felled unlawfully and be listed as endangered species. This study aims to identify, classify the genetic diversity of C. kanehirae by using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR). In the present study, we attempted to obtain ISSR molecular markers by 20 primers. Twenty samples from different areas were collected and resulted in a total of 131 bands. Among them, 93 bands were polymorphic (70.1%). The similarity coefficients were between 0.69 and 0.96. Cluster analysis by UPGMA method showed that 20 samples of C. kanehirae could be divided to 11 groups based on similarity coefficient with 0.83 as the critical point.
    Relation: 網際網路公開:2020-07-01,學年度:103,67頁
    Appears in Collections:[Dept. of Biotechnology (including master's program)] Dissertations and Theses

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