本研究主要的目的在探討教師不同的多媒體教學方式對國小低年級學童生活課程中的台灣溫泉認知之學習成效及學習保留的影響,並了解學生及其家長對於以不同多媒體教學方式來教授認識台灣溫泉課程的看法。本研究採準實驗研究設計,以溫泉教育學習網頁為學習內容,並以台南市某國民小學四個班級,102人為研究對象,兩種不同多媒體教學方式對照組「文字、圖片和影片式」、實驗組「文字、圖片﹑影片和互動學習」各兩班接受教學。本研究之結果如下:1、實驗組的低年級學童,在台灣溫泉認知的學習成效上優於對照組。2、實驗組的低年級學童,在台灣溫泉認知學習上保留於長期記憶中的成效優於對照組。3、國小低年級學童對以此兩種多媒體教學法來學習認識台灣溫泉,皆持正向積極的看法,但認為有互動學習讓學習變有趣。4、國小低年級學童家長對以此兩種多媒體教學法來認識台灣溫泉,皆持正向積極的看法,但認為有互動學習讓學習過程更吸引學生。 This study aims to discuss the effects of multimedia teaching method on effectiveness and learning retention of learning hot spring course among lower grade elementary school students, and to understand the opinions of the parents and students.This study was based on quasi-experiment design, and learning contents of hot spring learning webpages. The subjects were 102 students from 4 second grade classes; two different types of teaching method, which are, “text, images, and films with sound” and “text, images, films with sound and interactive computer games ”, were applied to each of the 2 classes. Before the teaching experiment, all 4 classes received pre-test of “Taiwan hot spring achievement test”. The experiment covered a total of 8 classes, and all 4 classes were taught by the researcher. At the end of the teaching experiment, the 4 classes received the post-test of “Taiwan hot spring achievement test”, and filled out the “Multimedia teaching questionnaire”. Twelve students and four parents from each class were randomly selected for semi-structural interview. The results were used as supplementary data for this study, in order to learn about the students’ opinions on the various presentation methods of the multimedia teaching approaches. One month after the experiment, postponed-test of “Taiwan hot spring achievement test” was conducted to learn about the students’ learning retention.The main findings are as below:1.On the effectiveness of learning hot spring course, the experimental group is better than the control group.2.On the effectiveness of learning retention of learning hot spring course, the experimental group is better than the control group.3.Most lower grade elementary school students expressed positive comments and opinions on these two different forms of multimedia teaching.4.Most lower grade elementary school students’ parents expressed positive comments and opinions on these two different forms of multimedia teaching .