高等動物之咀嚼運動中,舌及顎兩者之間,需有極密切的協同作用才能圓滿達成。今以貓的三叉神經脊髓路核為對象,研究其興奮時間封閉口反射的作用,並對此作用進行藥理學上的探討。 刺激同側三叉神經脊髓路核對咬肌神經單突觸反射產生單相性的抑制作用。此抑制相可能包括二個時期---早期及後期。根據藥理學上的觀察,可推論為:抑制作用的早期包括突觸後及突觸前抑制作用;而後期則為突觸前抑制作用所引起的。 The suppression induced by stimulation of ipsilateral nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminus was only one phase. This phase of suppression may involve two periods-the earlier and the later period. On the basie of pharmacological evidence, it can now be suggested that the earlier period of this suppression involved postsynaptic and presynaptic inhibition, but the later period was produced by presynaptic inhibition.