對於含有 Chlorpheniramine Maleate, Dextromethorphan HBr, Phenylpropanolamine HCl 及 Glyceryl quaiacolate 的複方止咳膠囊劑中單一成分鑑別及含量測定法在各公定書已有收載。當這些成分為複方時,各公定書分析方法並不能直接適用。因此本文綜合各種方法加以適當修飾,可迅速且能正確地測定各成分的含量,又不需高度技巧及昂貴的儀器就可完成,很適用於目前各大小製藥工廠品質管制的需要。 To the compound antitussive capsules composited of Chlorpheniramine maleate, Dextromethorphan HBr, Phenylpropaolamine HCL and Glyceryl guaiacolate, although the analysis methods of each single component have mentioned in official pharmacopeia or national formulary, however, these methods are not suitable to be adopted while the compnents are compounded. The proposed method in this work, by which not only the analysis can be achieved quickly and accurately, but also it needs no high technique and expensive instruments, is quite suitable for the Q.C. works of pharmaceutical factories.