根據行政院主計處2003年的資料顯示,台灣服務業的產值佔全國國民生產毛額(GDP)的67.1%,而服務業的就業人口也達總人口數的57.5%,因此,台灣已正式邁入服務化的社會。在服務導向且競爭越趨激烈的社會形態中,提供符合顧客期望,標準化、制式化的服務似乎已無法凸顯企業的獨特性,也難在顧客心中留下深刻的印象。因此,近年來,業者與學者均主張企業應該要提供超越顧客期望,體貼感動的服務,才能真正讓顧客印象深刻,進而建立顧客對企業的喜愛與偏好,最終建立顧客忠誠度。然而,現階段的學術研究對於感動服務的內涵與要素仍舊呈現百家爭鳴的現象,缺乏一個整合的架構模型。因此,本研究計畫以第一年的時間,廣泛蒐集相關學術文獻,統整之前學者提出的理論觀點,建構感動服務構成要素的理論基礎模型,之後,運用德菲法之問卷調查方式,蒐集在服務業經營與服務創新領域學有專精之業界專家與學者之意見,期望在感動服務構成要素與理論模型上達成共識。本研究的結果預計可以提供學術界一個整合性的感動服務構成要素的基礎模型,也可提供業者在執行感動服務過程中的指導方針。 In 21st century, to ensure long-term customer retention and sustainable company profits, customer satisfaction is no longer sufficient since satisfaction does not promise customers’ preference to the company (Torres and Kline, 2006). Customer loyalty is instead the better indicator to a company’s success. To achieve customer loyalty, traditional standardized service offering is incapable of standing out a company’s distinctiveness and leave memorable impression on customers’ minds. Instead, providing surprisingly impressive services that go beyond customers’ expectation and grant customers a unique consumption experience is suggested to be able to leave enduring and vivid impression in customers’ memory. These memories are in turn the key to form customers’ preference to the company. However, existing researches on the essential components of surprisingly impressive services are appeared to be fragmented and the theoretical framework is still on the process of developing. Therefore, the current study plans to execute two-year research plan by applying discover-oriented research methods – literature review and the Delphi method to thoroughly discover the constituents, the implementation plan and the outcomes of surprisingly impressive services. The results of the current study are expected to contribute to both academia and service industry by providing a better understanding of the element of surprisingly impressive services. 本研究運用德非法之研究方法針對感動服務要素與執行方式進行三輪專家問卷調查。研究結果顯示飯店設備與備品、環境氣氛營造與人員服務提供等均是構成感動服務之要素。然而,唯有真誠體貼之人際互動才能真正感動顧客,建立與顧客之間情感連結的關鍵要素。因此,本研究進一步建議21世紀的服務人員應更加優質化其服務提供之方式,加強自身敏感度、同理心、注意細節的能力、積極性與預測需求之能力。如此,才能提供超越顧客期待、體貼細膩的感動服務。 We apply the Delphi survey method to study the components and service standards of delightful service. By integrating professional experiences from both academic scholars and hotel practitioners, we conclude that hotel facilities and amenities, environmental and ambiance design and service personnel’s performance are the essential elements of creating a unique and unforgettable consumer experience for customers. Distinctive hotel facility and ambiance are suggested to provide a unique experience which is apart from customers’ day-to-day ordinary life and thus create the sense of novelty and leave vivid impression on customers’ minds. Attentive and more proactive service practice by being able to detect customers’ hidden emotional conditions and needs and provide attentive, and customized service accordingly is advised to be the new service standard for today’s service personnel. The advanced service performance can more effectively attend to customers’ personal well-being as well as care for their special needs and therefore provide services that go beyond customers’ expectations. Detail implementation guidelines of each element are proposed for better execution of the new service paradigm - delightful services.