2010年4月14日,高雄市鳥松區發生泥火山噴發現象,其噴發的位置位於旗山、鳳山斷層的可 能延伸線上。之後又於 2012年2月9日下午兩點多與2012年3月24日下午五點多發生二度與三度 噴發。應用三維空間地層電阻值分佈探測,發現鳥松泥火山噴發口附近地下的泥漿層,是呈現近乎 水平狀的位態。本研究將持續利用地電阻探測法追蹤泥漿層的位態變化與可能的泥漿上湧路徑。利用淺層地質鑽井探測以比對地電阻探測的結果。利用化學地質溫度計法分析泥漿水以推估泥漿的來源生成溫度與深度。並繼續嘗試利用「高精度 GPS(RTK)測量」輔以「短基線全站儀距離測量與水準測量」等技術與儀器設備,進行跨斷層監測,以連結此一泥火山與旗山、鳳山斷層的關聯性。 On April 14, 2010, there was the phenomenon of mud volcano eruption in Niaosong, Kaohsiung City and the eruption's position of which was located on the possible extension line of Chishan-Fengshan faults. After this, it erupted twice on February 09, 2012 and on March 24, 2012. We applied geoelectric resistivity detecting to discover that the attitude of the underground mud layer is almost horizontal.In this study, we will continuously apply geoelectric resistivity detecting to trace the inclination of the underground mud layer and the possible upwelling path of mud. We will utilize shallow well logging to compare with the result of geoelectric resistivity detecting. We will use chemical geothermometry to analyze the mud water and try to obtain the source temperature and depth of the mud. We will also continuously monitor the deformation across the possible extension line of the Chishan-Fengshan faults by utilizing RTK-VRS cooperating with short baseline total station and leveling survey. And then we can have more confidence to connect the subsurface structure of the Niaosong mud volcano and the Chishan-Fengshan faults.