本計畫擬開發嶄新高效能觸媒薄膜反應器應用於處理高毒性含酚廢水,並以三年之研究期間開發出適用於氣-液、液-液接觸之薄膜反應器應用於氧化降解高毒性有機廢水。本技術之開發乃基於本研究團隊所開發之觸媒專利(中華民國專利I 264416, I255797)及薄膜製備專利技術 (中華民國專利公開中)為基礎,製備具高度氧化活性之陶瓷膜,並於氣-液(或液-液)接觸層均勻塗布高氧化活性之金屬氧化物(鈰、銅、鋯、鈀等),利用觸媒催化氧化之原理降解高毒性有機污染物,並將此結果應用於開發俱具濕式空氣氧化、濕式臭氧氧化及過氧化氫接觸觸媒氧化之薄膜反應器。計畫中金屬氧化物(鈰、銅、鋯、鈀等)使用沉澱法與燒結法固結於無機膜結構中,研究中將針對所形成的金屬氧化物結晶構造、薄膜反應器操作變數對氧化活性之影響,及不同種類鹽所製備活性氧化觸媒層之活性差異進行探討,同時亦將探討觸媒反應器使用壽命,及污染物降解過程中之中間產物生成及轉變過程。計畫將利用比表面積分析儀、X光繞射儀、掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察薄膜媒之型態與孔隙特徵,並進行氣-液接觸式、液-液觸媒反應器進行觸媒氧化反應,探討薄膜觸媒反應器各項特性對於處理高毒性含酚廢水之污染物轉化效率與COD移除性能之影響。 The purpose of this project is to develop new type contact catalytic membrane reactors (C-CMR) for degradation of high toxic phenol wastewater. The gas-liquid and liquid-liquid C-CMRs will be investigated and modified for the treatment of highly toxic wastewater. The C-CMR preparation is based on our previous patents in the field of oxidation and membrane technology ( R.O.C. patent I 264416 and I255797). The C-CMRs will prepare on the ceramic support with the highly active catalytic layers in the inner side with active metal oxides. The active layer, which contents high activity metal oxides (Ce, Cu, Zr, Pd e.g.), play the catalyst for catalytic wet air oxidation in the membrane reactor. The completely degradation of toxic pollutant will be achieved by using this C-CMR system. The new high performance gas-liquid and liquid-liquid C-CMRs will be set up and evidenced the performance by the oxidation of phenol. The active metallic oxides will be fixed in the membrane structure by the co precipitation and calcinations method. This project will also discuss the influent factors, such as crystal form, active metallic oxides, CMR operation parameters, on the performance of oxidation. In the other way, the aging problem of the C-CMRs and oxidation mechanism will be also investigated in this three years project. The characteristics of C-CMR will be investigated by the BET, XRD, SEM-EDS analyses. The influence of the operation conditions on the performance will be also carried out by discussing the gas-liquid and liquid-liquid CMR oxidations. The oxidation performance of C-MCRs will be also investigated by considering the oxidation performance of membrane reactors.