慢性病患居家自我健康管理是治療的重要環節之一,然而許多機構提供的各式衛教教材 並未發揮預期的效果,其中這些健康資訊造成病患的資訊超載感受可能是影響使用意願 的原因之一。因此,本研究計畫以計畫行為理論為基礎,整合認知資訊超載之構念,探 討慢性病患使用健康資訊於自我健康管理意願之影響因素。認知自變數中,包含:態度、 主觀規範、認知行為控制以及認知資訊超載;應變數則為使用意願。本研究並使用健康 素養為四個認知自變數之前置因子。本研究採用問卷調查法來進行,研究對象為慢性病 患,健康資訊為個案醫院之糖尿病衛教手冊。本研究預定與某醫學中心合作。模式驗證 與假說檢定將採結構方程方法。期許本研究能從學術、政府與健康照護者的角度,對病 人之健康資訊應用研究上,做出具體的貢獻。 Self-health management of chronic illnesses plays an important part in chronic illness treatments. However, various kinds of health information (health education materials) which government or healthcare institutions provide for patients may not achieve the expected outcome. One of the critical reasons affecting patients’ use intention could be patients’ perceived Information overload regarding the health information. This project proposes an extended model of Theory of Planned Behavior, which integrating perceived information overload as another construct to explore patients’ use intention of the health information for self-health management. The independent variables are attitude, subject norm, perceived behavior control and perceived information overload while the dependent variable is behavior intention. In addition, health literacy is used as the antecedent of the four independent variables. Cooperating with a medical center, the survey method will be used with the subjects-patients with chronic illnesses, who are the potential users of the health information. Structural equation modeling (SEM) technique will then be employed for model examining and hypotheses testing. We expect that the results of this study will provide useful insights for the development of health information management particularly from the perspectives of academia, governments, and healthcare providers.