行動醫療是目前各級醫院科技創新服務應用的重點。然而行動醫療之發展所費不貲,採用結果又常難以預期,因此醫院發展新科技專案之失敗率高達六成以上。但過去系統評估設計方法著重技術層面的最佳化,而忽略社會層面的考量。 因此本計畫之研究目的為:以社會與技術系統之觀點,探討影響醫院成功發展行動醫療之因素。本計劃採用個案研究法。主要目的是在社會與技術系統之依存性下,對影響醫院成功發展行動醫療之探討,預計以醫學中心與區域醫院至少一家來進行深入之質化研究,以深入了解組織之社會及技術層面之間的互動對行動醫療發展之影響,資料之收集將依資料收集工具進行該院行動醫療發展之相關人員來進行訪談,以收集行動醫療發展所涉及之社會與技術面之間的互動內涵,及其相關之活動原因、背景,及考量等資訊;並以重要之次級資料進行交互驗證,包括:系統發展之規劃文件、系統發展之會議記錄與結案報告,以及實際至行動醫療使用之臨床單位進行行動醫療使用之觀摩與使用者之抽樣訪談。透過驗證本研究之發現及管理意涵,來針對醫院、衛生主管機構及後續行動醫療發展提出相關建議。 Mobile information and communication systems in clinical routine have the potential to greatly improve communication, facilitate information access, eliminate double documentation, and increase quality of patient care in the long run. Mobile health is the focus for hospital of all levels in scientific and technological innovation at present. However, since the development costs for mobile health is immeasurable and it is very difficult to anticipate the results, the failure rate of scientific and technological programs developed by hospitals often surpasses 60%. In the past, system evaluation method for the application of mobile information in health care placed stress upon the optimization at the technical level and ignored the consideration at the social level. Using case study which based on the Social-technical System approach, the purpose of this project is to investigate the factors affecting the hospital development of mobile health. For collection the information in the interaction connotation between social level and technical level involving the mobile health development, as well as cause, background, consideration and other information in the relevant activities, the researchers will conduct interviews with the key persons participating in the system development project, and secondary data would be classified and analyzed to achieve the purpose of this study. Through the verification of the finding in the study as well as the management implication, relevant suggestions are proposed for hospitals, health authorities and follow-up mobile health study.