台灣是現今世界上薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD)產能最大的國家之一,而此工業因製程所產 生之廢水量多且成分複雜,其中含有大量之有機物質與磷酸鹽。現今國內、外學者僅個別分開處理有 機物、磷等問題,對於整合性的技術(同時處理有機物質與磷酸鹽)及研究相當稀少。基於此原因,本 研究將設計一整合性的技術改善現有方法的缺失。 芬頓(Fenton)法為高級化學氧化處理(AOP)之一種,是一高效率且低費用、易操作的方法。芬頓法 可產生具有強氧化能力的氫氧自由基,可有效氧化降解廢水中之有機物質。而流體化床結晶技術是一 種可使微溶物(如磷酸鹽、鐵氧化物)在擔體表面結晶成核的方法。因此,本研究將結合此兩種技術, 流體化床-芬頓程序(fluidized bed-Fenton process, FB-Fenton),應用處理同時含有有機物質與磷酸鹽之廢 水,達到有機物降解、磷酸鹽與鐵結晶去除,以兼具『處理』與『回收』兩大目標。 本研究計畫共分為三個年度進行。第一年,藉由異質成核尋求適合鐵氧化物沉積結晶之礦物擔 體,並探討鐵氧化物於擔體之沉積結晶機制,並且應用於處理同時含有機物與磷酸鹽之廢水或染整廢 水,作為去除TFT-LCD 廢水之探討。第二年,探討流體化床系統鐵氧化物均質成核之可行性與最適 之反應與操作條件。另外,也進行處理同時含有機物與磷酸鹽之廢水或染整廢水,並且與流體化床異 質成核系統之處理成效進行比較。第三年,結合前兩年之研究成果進行流體化床異質與均質鐵氧化物 之TFT-LCD 實廠處理含有機物與磷酸鹽之廢水或染整工業廢水,以取得最佳去除/反應動力參數,探 討理論技術實務化之成效,創造有效節省操作費之整合技術。 In this study, a fluidized bed-Fenton process for treating wastewaters containing organic and phosphate compounds or dye will be investigated. The ferric ions applied in the process will crystallize onto the carrier surface and phosphate compound crystallize onto the carrier surface as well. Therefore, the sludge amount can be decreased and then the operation cost will be reduced. In addition, the iron oxide on the carriers has the catalytic ability to promote the system efficiency. This is a three-years project. In the first year, mineral carriers affecting on the heterogeneous nucleation and crystallization of iron oxide during the treating simulated waste water containing organic and phosphate compound or dye in the fluidized bed-Fenton process will be investigated. Moreover, this study will also to find the mechanism of crystallization of iron oxide. In the second year, attention will be paid to find the operation conditions of homogeneous nucleation and crystallization of iron oxide during the treating simulated waste water containing organic and phosphate compound or dye in the fluidized bed-Fenton process. In the third year, we will use the heterogeneous nucleation and homogeneous nucleation of iron oxide method to treat the real waste water containing organic and phosphate compound or dye, and find the optimum operation parameters. This year all the trials will evaluate the feasibility in real factory application. This is the first time in Taiwan to collect the date concerning the removal efficiency of wastewater containing organic and phosphate compounds or dye by the fluidized bed-Fenton process. The results of this study can help our government in managing these kinds of organic and phosphate compound, such as wastewater from thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) factory, and can be the basis of making regulations to control their remaining in environment. In addition, this is an international collaborative project. By this project, our university can take the responsibility in helping developing countries and promote our research level by faculty and students exchange.