目的:本研究將針對墾丁潛水客之潛水海域活動滿意度進行調查研究,瞭解潛水客特性及其所從事之海域潛水活動滿意度,同時探討潛水客人口背景變相與水質、地形、海流、水中生態及公共設施等之相關性分析。方法:研究中以便利抽樣方式進行問卷施測,總共發放300 份,剔除無效問卷後得有效問卷計244 份,有效率為81.3%。所得資料以描述性統計分析、信度分析、點二系列相關分析與多變量變異數分析等。結果:墾丁潛水海域活動滿意度較高者大都是以教育程度較高、男性、收入較低之學生族群為主。建議:若地方政府與業者想擴展新客群,吸引更多經濟能力較佳之潛水遊客造訪,有必要先補強公潛水點之公共設施環境,並強制禁止釣魚,保護珊瑚礁與魚群。 Purpose: Kenting Diving activity gradually increased recently, and it has been defined as a most important tourism area in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was designed to understand the Scuba diving tourists’ satisfaction to Kenting Diving activity. Method: The study selected 300 samples from water activity area in Kenting National Park, and receiving 244 valid questionnaires (valid rate is 81.3%). The collected data was analyzed by using Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and MANOVA. Results: Someone who has higher satisfaction because of ↑ education degree, ↓ income, male, and college students. Suggestion: In order to expand new customers and attract scuba diving tourism, the local government and recreation industry should construct more public facilities. Additionally, the social environment and physical environment satisfaction only stayed in the acceptable range. If Kenting diving water activities want sustainable development in the future, it should offer a wonderful diving environment, exhibit fishing, protect coral and fish diversity.