目的: 本研究主要是瞭解8 週水中增強式訓練對於籃球選手運動能力之影響。方法: 研究中是以嘉南藥理科技大學15 名籃球隊選手為研究對象,並以伊利諾伊敏捷跑測驗成績進行隨機分組,訓練組8 位 (20.06±0.86 歲),控制組7 位 (19.92±0.43 歲)。研究中訓練組受試者需接受為期8 週的水中增強式訓練、每週3 次、每次60 分鐘。控制組則維持平常生活作息,結果以混合設計二因子變異數分析,比較兩組的訓練前後各變項與變化量之差異。結果: 研究顯示水中增強式訓練能增進30 秒左右側移 (18.63 至24.25 趟,增加30%)、垂直跳高 (41.87 至44.62 公分,提高6.7%)、仰臥起坐 (47.25 至53.00 次/分鐘,提高12.16%),均達顯著差異水準 (p<.05),但研究中並未發現受試者於60 公尺快跑及立定跳遠有顯著差異情形產生。結論: 水中增強式訓練能增強運動者敏捷力與變向能力。 Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to understand 8 weeks of aquatic plyometric training on College basketball players' exercise ability (60 meter run, standing long jump, Vertical jump test, Lateral change of direction test and sit-up). Methods: Based on Illinois Agility Run Test score, 15 subjects from Chia-Nan University basketball players were divided randomly into difference groups, which included Training Group (n = 8, 20.06 ± 0.86 yrs) and Control Group (n = 7, 19.92 ± 0.43 yrs). The subjects in Training Group were required to do aquatic plyometric training for 8 weeks, 3 times a week, and every 60 minutes per day. A two-way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the different change between group before and after training for each parameter. Results: The results indicated that 8 weeks of aquatic plyometric training can effectively enhance the lateral change of direction (18.63 ± 1.40 to 24.25 ± 3.05, ↑30%), vertical jump (41.87 ± 3.39 to 44.62 ± 2.92, ↑6.7%), sit-ups (47.25 ± 7.57 to 53 ± 7.81, ↑12.16), and significantly different between pre and post test (p<.05). However, the study did not find the subjects in the 60 meter run and standing long jump has significant differences between pre and post test. Conclusions: Aquatic plyometric training can enhance the agility especially on lateral change of direction.