歐陽脩在北宋文壇上,是非常傑出的一位領袖,他本身既是詩人、詞人和散文作家,又是學者、思想家和政治家。正因為如此,其作品才能廣泛的影響社會,其所倡導的古文運動才能在散文發展史上繼往開來。他在散文、詩、詞、文學理論,以及文藝批評等方面都有很高的成就。尤其是詩的內容十分充實,其形式新穎、語言流暢,和他的散文一樣,寫得極為平易自然,並且能反映現實、針砭時弊,以樸素、率真、自然為美。本文擬將其詩風分為:以文入詩、平淡自然、詩畫合一、多樣性的辭彙等四部份作探討。 Ouyang Xiu, an important representative of the literary world of Song Dynasty, is not only known as a writer of prose, shi, ci poetry, but also is a gifted scholar, thinker, and politician. Owing to his diversity of talents, he caused an immense influence on the society. Being a strong proponent of the Classical Prose Movement, he had a great impact on the prose history.