社會工作者經常因為過度地急著要協助案主解決問題,而未能真正落實增強權能的理念,反而衍生出更多的問題,終致讓案主與社工本身陷入眾多的問題漩渦中無法自拔。增強權能的理念無法落實,很大的原因是因為缺乏Know-How 的知識,而實務工作者的成功經驗則是取得Know-How 知識的最佳來源。對任何理論模式來說,助人的關係對於處遇成效都占有舉足輕重的地位,且根據以往的實證資料顯示,合作式的助人模式是有效助人的必要條件。本文認為以案主的優點為基礎可以有助於合作關係的產生,是適合形成增強權能的助人關係有效途徑,若能進一步了解此種關係的形成歷程,將有助於其他實務工作者複製成功經驗。因此本文根據實務工作者使用優勢觀點社會工作的成功經驗,透過深入訪談及敘說研究的方式,脈絡性地呈現協助過程,進而整理出增強權能助人關係的形成歷程,包括三大階段、七大進程,並萃取出四種策略,供實務工作者參考。 A lot of social workers are often too rushed on resolve clients’ problems without implementing the concept of the empowerment. Due to the failure of empowering clients, it could spawn more questions so that both social worker and clients encountered difficulties. Because of lack of know-how, it becomes one of the reasons that the social workers fail to empower the clients. The best source of the know-how knowledge comes from the successful experiences of direct practice. The helping relationship is the key point of helping effect. The social worker helps the client based on the strengths will establish a stronger collaborative relationship. If the practice social workers could understands and implement the process of empowering relationship, it is helpful for building this kind of relationship. The in-depth interviews and narrative research methodology were utilized in this research to understand those social workers who have successful experiences using the strengths-based model. The article explores the process of empowering relationship and identifies three stages and seven processes during the formation process of empowerment. Furthermore, four strategies are emphasized to provide the current practice social workers who are trying to build the empowering relationship with clients.