When fatty oils are used as an energy source in a starch medium for Chlortetracycline fermentation, the fatty acids and the calcium soap tend to separate out as semisolid greasy deposite often in the form of balls. This separation of greasy deposit can be eliminated by using mineral oil as a carrier or diluent. when the fatty substances are thus rendered available to the mycelium, fatty oils of high content of oleic or oleic plus linoleic acids can be very efficiently utilized as energy sources for Chlortetracycline fermentation. With a proper ratio of mineral oil to fatty oil, such as rice oil, and a proper daily addition, the fermentation can proceeded at a rate 50 per cent higher and last 1 to 2 days longer than the starch control, yielding a final potency almost twice as high. 動物性及植物性油脂,如豬油、米糠油、玉米油、黃豆油等在抗生物質醱酵工業裡,常被作為消泡劑抑制醱酵過程中泡沫之溢出,油脂中含有多量之oleic acid或oleic acid及linoleic acid含量多之油脂可代替一部份或全部炭源作為能源。但是大量使用油脂於培養基來取代炭源時,油脂酸及鈣皂呈半固體狀之小球而與培養基分離,致醱酵無法正常進行。
油脂裡加入粘度13至30 cps之礦物油,以其比例3-4份礦物油對1份黃豆油,或2-3份礦物油對1份米糠油,可提高油脂在培養基之溶解性,面能供為能源取代澱粉。氯四環素醱酵開始時加入2 %含有3份大協B-M礦物油對1份米糠油者,至醱酵第三日後每日再添加0.85 %含有1份大協B-M礦物油對1份米糠油培養六日者比以澱粉為炭源之對照組,生產氯四環素高2倍,可由對照組之2200mcg/m1提高到4000mcg/ml,培養時間亦可延長1~ 2日。