在本實驗研討以乙醇脫水法製造乙烯之各條件,結果得知反應在溫度為182℃,鋁為最佳催化劑,硫酸的濃度應為37.6N,又與乙醇的容暈比為 1 : 1 時,乙烯的產量最大而副反應產生的二氧化硫等較少。 The preparation of ethylene was carried out by the dehydration of ethanol. The results showed that ethylene and sulfur dioxide produced depend on the reaction temperature, catalyst, concentration of sulfuric acid and volume ratios of the reaction. I found that the minimum amout of sulfur dioxide could be obtained when the volume ratio of ethanol and 37.6 N H2SO4 is 1:1; the reaction is catapyzed by aluminum oxide at a reaction temp. of 182℃