To assess groundwater recharge, this study provided a composite method combining the recession-curve-displacement method and water-table fluctuation method. First, the initial recharge reference value was determined using the water-table fluctuation method. The corresponding groundwater discharge was then determined from the recharge reference value using the recession-curve-displacement method. Furthermore, the recession segment of the match between groundwater discharge and streamflow was computed. The recharge reference value was repeatedly adjusted to achieve a good fit with the recession segment for groundwater discharge and streamflow, thereby attaining the final groundwater recharge using the proposed method. Finally, the groundwater recharge of the Lanyang Creek basin in Taiwan was estimated as a case study. A comparison of recession-curve-displacement method and proposed composite method are presented. Estimation results show that the number of recharge events, recharge timing of these events, groundwater recharge events that satisfy recession theory, and range of transmissivity can be obtained using the proposed composite method. Comparison results demonstrate that the number of groundwater recharge events obtained with the composite method was greater than that acquired with the recession-curvedisplacement method. However, the annual recharge and seasonal recharge obtained with the recession-curve-displacement method and composite method were close.