鎮咳製劑利用比色分析法分析雖然很多,但這些方法操作費時及易引起誤差。本法採用氣相層析法(1.5% Silicone OV-17 on Shimalite W, 80-100 mesh, 2m. glass column),操作簡單,測定迅速,鑑別和定量同時完成。用Isopropylmeprobamate為內部標準物質(Internal Standard),以高度或面積比來進行標準曲線法或標準品對照法,結果準確,是一製藥工廠品質管制可行的理想方法。 There are many colorimetric methods for anticough preparations but these methods have turned out to be time-consuming in operation and to bring forth enors. Using gas chromatographic method (l.5% Silicone OV-17 on Shimalite W, 80-100mesh 2m. glass column.) leads to easier process and more quick measure. Moreover, identification and assay can process Simultaneously. The use of Isopropylmeprobamate as internal standard for dealing with standard curve or standard contrast by the ratio of height or area results in great accuracy. The result proves to be an ideal method for the quality control of the pharmaceutical industry.