採不同長度的鐵炮百合( Lilium longiflorum)之花蕾( Floral bud )經鏡檢其花藥發育期再配合花蕾之長度而區分成: (一)花粉母細胞期( 1-2 cm ),(二)二分子或四分子至單核花粉期( 2-3 cm ),(三)雙核花粉期( 3cm以上)。各期花蕾在無菌室經消毒處理後切取其花藥置於改良之Murashige and Skoog培養基上,在溫度27 ± 2℃及十二小時光期(約3000 lux )的環境下培養,經一星期後,各期花藥皆有膨脹扭轉現象,缺少NAA之培養基其花藥不能繼續生長,在含有NAA和Kine-tin的培養基之各期花藥均能繼續生長,花藥色澤也由淡黃或淺綠轉化成綠色,約二十天後部分花藥可由裂口或由其中軸花絲切口處誘出癒合組織,並長出根和幼苗,在含1ppm Kinetin和 l ppm NAA培養基上的四分子期至單核期花藥較易形成癒合組織。利用醋酸洋紅塗片鏡檢癒合組織之染色體數,顯示多數癒合組織衍自雙倍體之體細胞。 Different development stages of anthers were aseptically removed from flower buds of Lilium longiflorum And inoculated on a modified Murashige and Skoog medium. There were incubated at 27 ± 2 ℃ under illumination with 3000 lux fluorescent light for 12 hr daily. The medium containing NAA and kinetin promoted the anther growth. After one week incubation the anther swelled, twisted, and turned green.Another three weeks later,callus proliferated from wound tissue of the some anthers and differentiat-ed into shoots and roots. The microscopic examination of callus chromo-some showed that the callus consisted of diploid cells.