為究明各類生藥貯藏期間產生害蟲情形,以供防除之參考,初步就藥專貯藏二年之根類及根莖類生藥標本經篩濾收集後,檢視其所生害蟲。除觀察攝影外並統計分析其與生藥之關係。本文觀察上述生藥26種。其所屬植物共17科。所見害蟲共十種。初步鑑定結果各棣屬於鞘翅目( Coleoptera )之長蠹蟲科( Bost rychidae) 扁蟲科(Cucuj idae ) 象鼻蟲科( Curculionionidae ) 擬象鼻蟲科( Rhynchophoridae),番死蟲科( Anobiidae )五科之成蟲或幼蟲及膜翅目( Hymenoptera)之小蜂科( Chalcidae )一科。以上均為昆蟲,另有一棣屬於蜘蛛網( Acarina )之粉俾科( Tyroglyphidae )一科。所見害蟲中以種而言,以Anobiidae之番死蟲出現頻度達50 %為最高,而Bost rychidae有三種害蟲,其出現頻度分別為Dinoderus minutus 38%,Heterobostrychus hamatippenis 11.5%及Rhizoperthadominica 3.8%就科而言總比率達53%,為各科之冠,至於受害較廣的植物則以具水性習生之植物為主。 Twenty-six crude drug specimens were examined for the existence of insects and Pest in their root, tuber and rhizome. Preliminary results showed that six families of insects which blong to Bostrychidae, Cucu-jidae, Curculionidae, Rhynchophoridae, and Anobiidae of Coleoptera order.Chalcidae of Hymenoptera order and one family of spider which belong toTyroglyphidae of Acarina Class were found. Among the specimens investi-gated, Lasioderma serricorne of Anobiidae family appeared in 50% of crude drugs investigated, which had highest frequency of presence. Among the 26 crude drug Specimens investigated, Peucedani Radix was most susceptible to the insects. In general, plants of aquatic habitats includ-ing Alismataceae, Araceae and Umbelliferae were more susceptible to their insects.