本文提及白花菜科( Capparaceae )白花菜屬( Cleome )一種,係本省尚無文獻登載之新記錄植物。經鑑定確認為Cleome rutidosperma DC.最先發現於台南市成功大學校區附近,目前已呈野生化。定名成功白花菜並附詳細剖圖及照片以供參考。本種與台灣同屬另兩種的差別為不具雌雄柄(與白花菜之區別).小蕊6枚、子房位於短的雌柄上(與向天廣之區別)。 Discovery of a New Naturalized Alien Plant in Taiwan--Cleome rut idosperma. An alien plant, Cleome rutidosperma DC. was discovered in southernTaiwan. It belongs to the family Capparaceae and the genus Cleome. Thus, the species, C. .rutidosperma was recorded and a Chinese name was given (成功白花菜). In this article, a figure of disecting line drawing, the pictures of the plant and a diagnostic key for the genus Cleome grown in Taiwan were presented.