利用CM-Cellulose離子交換柱層,對於Caffeine. Phenylpropanola-mine HCl及Chlo rpheni ramine maleate混合製劑的檢品溶液,以水洗出Caffeine, O.1%醋酸洗出Phenylpropanolamine HCI,以及0.5.N鹽酸洗出Chlor pheni ramine maleate,分離後分別進行分光光度法及比色法分析定量,效果良好,方便省時,是值得應用的方法。 An ionarticle-exchange colunm chromatographic method for the determination of caffeine, phenylpropanolamine HCI and chlorpheniramine maleate in mixture was demonstrated. The ingredients were retained on weakly acidic CM-cellulose, then caffeine was eluted with water, Phenylpropanolamine HCI with o.1% acetic acid and chlorpheniramine maleate with 0.5N hydro-chloric acid. Colorimetric or spectrophotometric determination were carried out on each fraction at 275 nm for caffeine, 570 nm for phenyl-propanolamine HCI (Ninhydrine Method) and 265 nm for chlorpheniramine maleate respectively. From the results obtained in this experiment, it was concluded that this method was quite simple, reliable and appliable for the quality con-trol in pharmaceutical industy.