周休二日的實施,使得觀光產業逐漸成為重要產業之一。溫泉同時結合休閒與養生,所以溫泉成為國人不可或缺的休閒活動。鑑於模前台灣溫泉飯店沒有完善的評鑑制度,以致於旅客必須自行負擔居住、環境等負面風險。本研究主要是進行前人所提出之指標建構延伸其實證的部分,主要是針對南部幾家溫泉飯店,請15位專家學者以實際驗證的問卷方式做指標架構的實用性與客觀性。作為業界與政府日後管理與考核的依據。 The implementation of the two-day weekends makes the tourism gradually become significant industry. Hot spring provides leisure and health and be indispensable for the masses leisure activity. In view of the lack of perfect system evaluation, passengers would bear a burden of the downside risks for quality accommodation during the traveling. Our research is to give implementation and validation for the construct indicators contributed by predecessors. By taking several south hot spring hotels as testing sample, the practicality and objectivity of the indicator-framework are validated and proved with generalfeasibility. Proposed work can be a reference for themanagement and assessment by relatedtourism industry and government.