由於國內對於溫泉利用及研究,少有探討溫泉水對植物生長之影響,本研究主要目的為透過植物栽種試驗,探討在相異溫泉環境下,觀察與分析植物受溫泉水影響後之生長情形。本研究試驗變動因子分別為溫泉水、植物種類及土壤混合溫泉泥比例等,在光源、空間與時間固定之情況下進行試驗。第一類試驗為選用十個地區溫泉水為澆灌用水,並以自來水為實驗對照組;第二類試驗為選用葉菜類、豆類、根莖類與水生植物等進行栽種實驗;第三類試驗則以台灣少有之溫泉泥,以不同比例混合培養土後種植葉菜類,測量、記錄並拍攝以上三類試驗之植物生長情形,藉由植物生長情形進行溫泉環境影響因子分析。由試驗成果顯示,葉菜類方面以龜丹溫泉澆灌之空心菜生長高度優於其他地區溫泉水;豆類以龜丹及四重溪溫泉澆灌之黃豆生長高度優於其他地區溫泉水;根莖類方面顯示溫泉水所栽種之地瓜葉片,生長高度皆不如自來水;水生植物以谷關溫泉所栽植之黃金葛葉片,生長速度與自來水相當,略優於其他地區。以不同比例溫泉泥混合培養土栽植葉菜類結果顯示,25%之溫泉泥混合培養土所栽種之空心菜,生長高度明顯優於其他比例溫泉泥所栽種之葉菜類植物。 As domestic utilization and researches of hot spring are mostly focused on sightseeing tour, hot spring quality and characteristics, microorganisms and physical therapy of skin immersion, there are few books and research papers in connection with the influence of the hot spring water on the plant growth at present. This research carries out the experiment with the hot spring water from different regions, different species of plants and different proportions of fango soil mixture as the mutagenic factors under the condition of fixed light source, space and time. The hot spring water is chosen from 10 regions in Taiwan as the irrigation water and the tap water is used as the control group. The plants grown for the experiment are the leaf vegetables, beans, root vegetables and aquatic plants which are frequently edible in Taiwan. In addition, different proportions of fango are mixed for planting leaf vegetables. The plant growth in each experimental group is measured, recorded and shot and then the influence factor analysis is conducted according to the growth condition and characteristics of the hot spring water and fango. The experimental results show that : as for leaf vegetables, the water spinach irrigated with Guidan Hot Spring is slightly higher than that in other regions; as for the beans, the soy bean irrigated with Guidan Hot Spring and Szuchung Creek Hot Spring is higher than that in other regions; as for root vegetables, the sweet potato leaves irrigated with the hot spring water in 10 regions are shorter than those with tap water; as for aquatic plant, the growth speed of epipremnum aureum leaves irrigated with Kukuan Hot Spring equals to that with tap water and slightly better than that in other regions; and the water spinach grown in the soil mixture of 25% fango is significantly higher than other leaf vegetables in the soil mixture of other proportions.