摘要: | 臺灣現有溫泉露頭約百餘處,重要溫泉區逾二十處。由於近年來溫泉產業蓬勃發展,溫泉使用量快速增加,部份溫泉區之溫泉水量似有超限使用現象。為落實溫泉資源永續經營,本研究探討礁溪溫泉區近年之溫泉資源總量管制情形,首先收集2011至2012年間現地水文地質資料及溫泉水監測數據並加以分析,進一步建構礁溪溫泉區水文地質概念模式,利用MODFLOW軟體對地下水流進行模式三維模擬,以求出符合現地水文地質架構與水力參數的模型。由現場溫泉監測井資料顯示,2012年水位及水溫與2011年比較,並無明顯變化,溫泉水資源使用應在平衡狀態,由2011至2012年水準量測顯示,各水準點變動為±0.2公分,並無地層下陷潛勢。經現地調查後推估,礁溪溫泉使用量約16,318~23,539立方公尺/天,由數值模擬與水平衡分析推估結果顯示,溫泉熱水補注量約為18,448~25,669立方公尺/天,相較於現地調查推估結果多13%。 There are over a hundred hot spring outcrops in Taiwan and about 20 are commercialized. In recent years the hot spring industries experience rapid growths that dramatically increase the withdrawals of hot spring thermal water. First collected from 2011 to 2012 between the in situ data and monitoring data and to analyze and construct the Hot springs area hydrogeological conceptual model using MODFLOW software on groundwater flow model three-dimensional simulations, in order to meet situ hydrogeological structure and hydraulic parameters model.Spa monitoring wells by the field data, in 2012 the water level and water temperature compared with 2011, there is no significant change in spa water should be used in a balanced state, from 100 to 101 years level measurements indicate changes in the level point � 0.2 cm, no subsidence potential.The investigation is now estimated Hot springs after about 16,318 ~ 23,539 cubic meters using / day, by the numerical simulation to estimate the water balance analysis showed that spa water recharge is about 18,448 ~ 25,669 cubic meters / day, compared compared with the results in the present investigation to estimate more than 13%. |