摘要: | 本研究之目的是探討影響環境工程業從業人員的職業壓力與職業倦怠之因素。研究樣本是環境工程業相關工程、顧問及採樣檢測等從業人員,以台灣北區、中區、南區為研究對象,實際收回問卷共 23 家事業單位計有 146 份,進行統計分析。研究方法以結構性問卷進行調查,問卷與測驗工具有:(一)個人資料問卷;(二)工作因素問卷與測量;(三)職業壓力量表;(四)職業倦怠量表,請受訪者在評量表上表示其意見或態度。研究結果顯示影響環境工程業之職業壓力,以「高工作負荷」最高;職業倦怠以「組織不滿意度」最高;家庭支持或生活滿足對個人或對家人的健康均有顯著相關,生活滿意度低者之職業壓力或職業倦怠都會比較高。未婚者的職業壓力與職業倦怠顯著高於已婚者,沒有小孩之從業人員的職業倦怠感也顯著高於有小孩者。以階層迴歸分析職業壓力與職業倦怠,工作因素之「組織效率」、「工作成就」、「工作自主」及「專業成長」等四項因素可顯著預測職業壓力,預測解釋量達 41.4% ;投入個人因素、工作因素及職業壓力因素預測職業倦怠,工作因素之「工作成就」及職業壓力因素之「負面組織支持」、「缺乏工作自信」等三項因素可顯著預測職業倦怠,預測解釋量達 52.9% 。根據研究發現,影響職業壓力的正向因素是「工作自主」與「專業成長」,此二項可歸因來自工作責任,所以建議企業須謹慎運用責任制度之管理;負向的因素是「組織效率」與「工作成就」,改善組織效率並增加工作成就可以降低職業壓力。影響職業倦怠的因素是組織支持、工作自信及工作成就,所以改善此三因素可以降低職業倦怠。 The purpose of the study was to investigate what factors cause people who engage in environmental engineering occupation to have job stress and job burnout. The study sample was from the people who work in environmental engineering firms including consulting company, and testing company located in northern, central and southern Taiwan. 146 valid questionnaires from 23 environmental engineering firms had retrieved and were analyzed statistically. This study utilizes a structural questionnaire to investigate participants’ perceptions on those factors that might cause job stress and burnout during work. The questionnaire consists of four sessions including (1) person information, (2) job factors questionnaire and testing, (3) job stress testing, and (4) job burnout testing. The conclusions of this survey have revealed participants’ ideas, attitude, and satisfaction. Based on statistical analysis, the study toward those investigated factors for job stress and burnout; the factors that cause job stress were mainly due to heavy overload and dissatisfaction with organization as well. Family and financial support on their job were obviously related to personal and family’s health. Participants who were unsatisfied with their paychecks have higher job stress and job burnout than those with better job paycheck. Unmarried Participants have higher job stress and job burnout than married ones. Participants who do not have children also have higher job stress and job burnout than those had children. Current study analyzes job stress and job burnout according to hierarchical regression. With regard to job stress, the analysis showed there are four factors, organization efficiency; job accomplishment; ability to work independently and completely; and growth of professional expertise, has strong correlation with job stress. The degree of accurate prediction is 41.4 %. Furthermore researcher combined personal information, job factors, and job stress together to analyze the correlation with job burnout. The analysis indicated that job accomplishment, insufficient support from organization, poor self-confident could explain the relation with job burnout. The degree of accurate prediction is 52.9 %. According to those findings, the intensified factors that cause participants to have job stress and burnout were ability to work independently and completely, and growth of professional expertise. These two factors were attributed to system of job responsibility. Conclusively, this study suggests that corporation should manage the system of job responsibility carefully. For example, the job stress can be reduced if corporation improves rate of organization efficiency with more encouragements. Moreover, the rate of job burnout can be reduced if corporation provides organization support, self-confidence, and job accomplishment properly and timely. |