摘要: | 本研究是以一鋼鐵生產製造業者的員工為調查對象,使用職場疲勞量表及工作特質量表問卷調查來了解受訪員工之疲勞於壓力與其工作上的相關性。經由問卷資料統計及探討後發現工作職稱、工作性質、工作地點、作業場所、身體疾病(關節炎、高血壓)、身體症狀(頭痛、肩頸酸痛、腰酸背痛、睡眠不足、腕關節酸痛)、生活習慣(抽菸、喝酒、吃檳榔)、輪班,這些變數都是與疲勞及壓力有相對的顯著性。針對這些部分對雇主可提出適當的改善建議藉由調整相關的規定而使員工能夠得到較佳的工作環境。 This study used occupational burnout inventory and job content questionnaire to understand the relationship between fatigue and job content of the surveyed employees working at a steel plant. The results show that job title, job characteristics, workplace, physical illness (arthritis, hypertension), physical symptoms (headaches, neck and back pain, sleepless, wrist soreness), personal habits (smoking, drinking, betel nuts), work shift have significant relationship with fatigue and stress. The employer should provide proper recommendations to improve work environment. |