摘要: | 異丙苯過氧化氫 (Cumene Hydroperoxide, CHP) 在化學工業上應用非常廣泛,除大量使用於丙烯–丁二烯–苯二烯共聚物 (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, ABS) 聚合反應的起始劑外,它在酸或鹼性製程中可分別製造酚 (Phenol)和合成過氧化二異丙苯 (Dicumyl Peroxide)。CHP 因具有對高溫環境及許多化學物質的不相容反應性,會產生放熱性分解反應,曾造成國、內外多起爆炸事故。彰化縣彰濱工業區的南寶化工公司廠址內於2003年至2010年間曾發生四次爆炸,其中三次和CHP有關。 CHP的物理與化學特性已被詳細探討,但和CHP事故案例的相關後果分析探討較少,本研究以彰濱工業區南寶化工廠,於2010 年1月8日發生該廠址第四次因反應器迴流管路破裂導致發生CHP洩漏引起火災爆炸為例,運用ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres)來探討 (一)南寶化工廠CHP 氧化製程區內,編號OT202反應槽危害範圍 (Threat Zone) 模擬分析;(二)氣候因素對危害範圍的影響和(三)洩漏因素對危害範圍的影響。藉由模擬分析並比對實際災害情況,來了解CHP火災爆炸後危害範圍或距離,期能建立相關災害預防措施及管理模式,並於災害發生時,提供緊急應變參考使用,以防止類似製程災害再度發生。 經ALOHA模擬結果發現: (一) 由30%LEL(含)以上的CHP可燃性濃度所導致的危害範圍,可確認火燄會燃燒至700倉庫區;爆炸壓力危害範圍亦顯示其他廠區並未受到波及,以上結果皆與實際災害相符;(二)氣候因素對CHP的毒性擴散範圍與可燃性濃度危害範圍有明顯影響,但對過壓危害範圍影響較小,且對熱輻射危害範圍則影響有限;(三)洩漏因素對CHP的毒性擴散範圍、可燃性濃度危害範圍、過壓危害範圍及熱輻射危害範圍皆有明顯影響。 Cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) has been widely used as an initiator in the acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) polymerization process and also used as a component to manufacture phenol or dicumyl hydroperoxide (DCPO) in acidic or alkaline solution, respectively. CHP is intrinsically unstable and reactive on exposure to heat and incompatible with many incompatibilities. Therefore, several severe fire or explosion incidents have occurred in several countries. Three of four incidents of fire and explosion induced by thermal runaway reactions occurred in the same plant of Nan-Pao Company while it was making CHP between 2003 and 2010, in Taiwan. The last accident was due to the leakage of a return line attached to CHP reactor (OT202) that resulted in a catastrophic damage in reaction area and even spread throughout storage area on January 8, 2010. Hazard properties of CHP have been broadly studied by other researchers, however, consequence analyses about CHP accidents are few until now. This study used ALOHA(Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) to simulate the threat zones caused by derivative hazards of the related accident of CHP reactor (OT202), to analyze the effect of weather conditions on threat zone, and also to analyze the effects of leakage types on threat zones. Major hazards include toxicity, flammability, thermal radiation (heat), and overpressure (explosion blast force). Those accidental hazards are related to chemical releases that result in toxic gas dispersions, fires, and/or explosions. By contrasting the simulated results to the really accidental destruction, we can estimate the hazard distance caused by CHP explosion, we also expect to establish related preventing procedures and management model to prevent the similar accident from happening again. All these information will be used to provide a safe distance for people involved in disaster rescue and for emergency planning and training.Simulation results have shown that: First, the threat zone caused by CHP at a flammable concentration of 30%LEL and above confirms that the flame from OT202 reactor did reach the storage area 700;the overpressure did not affect the other areas of the plant except the storage area 700, and both results match the real situations which happened few years ago;Second, weather did affect both the toxic threat zone and flammable threat zone, but showed little or no effect on overpressure threat zone, and even showed no effect on the thermal radiation threat zone;Third, the various conditions of CHP leakages showed significant effects on all threat zones caused |