近年來台東縣鹿野鄉永安社區在全體居民的共同努力下,逐步展現出具有在地特色的社區營造模式,除了通過環境教育設施場所認證外,更於102年獲得國家環境教育獎-社區組特優獎殊榮。因此,本研究針對台東縣鹿野鄉永安社區進行系統性的探討與分析,以其「環境面向」、「產業面向」與「觀光面向」三面向作為研究主軸,並初探「環境教育場所認證」與前述三面向之影響。透過問卷調查結果,探討永安社區發展模式與三面向之間的關聯性;並結合社區領導人半結構式訪談之質化結果,具體呈現本研究之質化與量化成果。本研究以正向觀感滿意度作為質化分析工具,並以Likert五尺量表平均值作為量化分析工具;單一面向之研究結果顯示,環境品質是目前永安社區居民滿意度最高的面向,產業發展是民眾滿意度最低的面向;多面向交互影響分析結果說明,環境品質與觀光發展之間存在競爭且合作的關係。雙面向交叉分析之正向觀感滿意度與Likert五尺量表平均值高於單一面向,說明該三面向之間存在互利合作並放大之關聯性。此外,永安社區取得環境教育設施場所認證後之結果分析顯示,觀光發展與產業發展是受益最顯著的面向。 Recently, Yong An Community which located at Luye Township in Taitung County has developed as a successful example of community empowerment. Yong An Community has not only showed localized characteristics but also passed the qualification of environmental education facility and field. Furthermore, Yong An Community just received the Community Distinguished winners of the “National Environmental Education Award” in 2013. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to systemically explore the three factors, namely, environmental quality, economic development and tourist development of Yong An Community. Three factors were carefully examined in terms of single and mutual ways. Additionally, the effect of the qualification of environmental education facility and field on three factors was studied as well.With regard to the positive satisfaction of single factor, the highest satisfaction was found in environmental quality due to the diverse natural resources and normal maintenance. The lowest satisfaction is economic development. In terms of the mutual interactions between three factors, environmental quality and tourist development presented both cooperative and competitive relationships. The satisfaction of mutual factors is generally higher than single one. In terms of the qualification of environmental education facility and field, both economic development and tourist development were regarded as the most beneficial factors.